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Re: Northern Arkansas Telephone Company
>Our ISDN prices are $17.90 for residential and $28.15 for business
There is too much smoke and mirrors.
I quote from the Feb. 12th Inter@ctive Week -- a letter from Michael
Walsh, Partner, Lauginghouse Audio/Visual mrwally@liberty.com --
"While Al Perlman's recent comments about 'Of Bandwidth, Bottlenecks And
Anti-Web Backlash' (Jan. 29, page 17) may, at least on the surface,
seem right on the money, you have to dig a little deeper to find that
which fuels the frustration with using the Internet."
"The World Wide Web experience from a modem does not suck quite as
much as Mr. Perlman suggests. While I would love to be
spoiled with a T1, I connect every day from a 28,800-bit-per-second
modem, and most days I am happy."
"For my money, though, more important than modem speed is the transfer
rate from the Internet, which can vary from around 300 baud at
some site to around 2,100 at others. As you can imagine, 300 baud
is like death warmed over while 2,100 baud is quite comfortable."
"Right now most of the online providers are just out for the money.
They are pushing too hard for new subscribers without worrying about
the capability of their own services, or the Internet, to handle the
load. This is why I left America Online forever, and why I recently
left Netcom. An online service is no good if you can't connect to it,
stay connected, or access its features once you're on. Online providers
remind me of where the cable TV providers were 15 years ago. I only hope
it doesn't take them as long to get their stuff together." (p. 19)
So this amazing low rate for ISDN. Is this for the line and the
Internet connection? And, if so, when this telco gets fully loaded,
what will be the actually through-put of the system? 300 baud? (The
data bursts may, indeed, travel at 128 Kbps -- but what is the
Perhaps this rate is anticipating economies of scale when things get
crowded, or perhaps they are behaving like these $19.95 Internet providers
who provide "unlimited waiting" for Internet through-put (instead of
the "unlimited access" that they promise).
P.S. a quote from Perlman's article of Jan. 29th, "But, if you've been
reading Inter@ctive Week carefully, you realize that widespread
use of digital phone lines, a. k. a. ISDN, or cable modems are, realistically,
a few years a way. At best." "If you disagree, here's my advice: Hang
on to those shares of Netscape you bought at $170."
W. Curtiss Priest, Director, CITS
Center for Information, Technology & Society
Voice: 617-662-4044 BMSLIB@MITVMA.MIT.EDU
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