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Re: new 'combustion salt laden wood' article

  Tony Tweedale wrote:
  >luthe et al. 'towards controlling emissions from power boilers fueled w/
  >salt-laden wood waste' _chemosphere_ 35:3:557-74 ('97, the current issue)
  >should be of interest to people w/ a coastal or brine-pond pulp mill.
  >unfortunaltly we have no direct access to this journal.  i'd appreciate
  >being notified it if anyone gets a copy of this article, as stone/msla &
  >mt-deq seperately say stone's burning of  pvc wastes in their hog fuel
  >boiler does not produce elevated pcdd/f above what burning coastal hog fuel
  This paper was submitted by Corinne Luthe et al. and you may be able to 
  get copies directly from the Authors at:
  Pulp and Paper Research Institute of Canada
  570 St Johns Blivd
  Pointe Claire
  Canada H9R  3J9
  The Abstract is:
  An evaluation of the dioxins emissions from a power boiler fuelled with 
  salt-laden wood waste has provided insights on potential control 
  technologies. Whereas a reduction in stack particulate levels does not 
  preclude a corresponding reduction in dioxins emissions, good combustion 
  conditions, in combination with an efficient secondary collection device 
  for particulate removal, were found to offer effective control (stack 
  emissions of 0.064 to 0.086 ng TEQ/m3). Regarding minimization of dioxins 
  formation at source, a preliminary assessment of the possible beneficial 
  effect of an attenuated chlorine:sulphur ratio was encouraging. A more 
  accurate assessment requires additional trials preferably longer in 
  duration, to eliminate any possible memory effects.
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