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Interspecies extrapolation in dioxin risk

  Tony Tweedale wrote
  >in the same issue of Chemosphere (p. 427-52, lawrence et al.) is an article 
  on a key topic:
  >'a pharmakinetic analysis of interspecies extrapolation in dioxin risk
  This paper indicates that the relationship between external dose of TCDD 
  and resulting TCDD concentrations in liver and adipose tissue of humans 
  and various rats and mice can vary by as much as 725 fold, illustrating 
  that humans and experimental animals differ considerably in their ability 
  to convert external dosages of dioxin into tissue concentrations.  It is 
  recommended that pharmacokinetic differences be considered explicitly in 
  risk estimation, whilst separately recognising interspecies differences 
  in pharmacokinetic differences be considered explicitly in risk 
  estimation, while separately recognising interspecies differences in 
  pharmacodynamics (sensitivity).
  The authors of the paper are Gary Lawrence and Frank Gobas.  School of 
  resources Management, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, British Columbia, 
  Canada VSA 1S6 You may be able to get a copy by writing or emailing: 
  Best wishes
         _\\|//_                Alan Watson C.Eng                  
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