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FWD: Mike, please send this to action lists
Message from Ben FinzelAmerican Alliance for Honest Labeling
Members of the AAHL include the International Brotherhood of
Teamsters, the Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy, the
National Farmers Union (and their chapters in 20 states) and the
Farmers Organization.
Support American Consumers, Protect Right-to-Know and Honest Food
I am writing to request your assistance in making your voice heard in
Washington on a matter of importance to American consumers, American
workers and American farmers: country of origin labeling for imported
On August 18, 1997, the United States Customs Service reopened the
comment period on a regulation which would require the country of
origin label to be placed on the front panel of all imported frozen
produce packages. On behalf of the American Alliance for Honest
Labeling (AAHL), I respectfully request that you and your organization
send a letter to the Customs Service to express your support for this
proposal (RIN 1515-AB61) before the public comment period closes on
October 17, 1997.
The American Alliance for Honest Labeling is a national grassroots
coalition representing more than 2.4 million growers, processors,
consumers and workers who support front panel labeling for imported
frozen produce. Since our formation in January 1997, the AAHL has
worked to gain support for this Customs Service proposal to require
such labeling.
Members of the AAHL include the International Brotherhood of
Teamsters, the Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy, the
National Farmers Union (and their chapters in 20 states), the National
Farmers Organization, the National Peanut Growers Group (and their
chapters/members in 9 states) and numerous state agriculture groups in
states across the country (including Alabama, Arkansas, California,
Florida, Georgia, Kansas, Maine, Michigan, Mississippi, Oregon, Rhode
Island, Tennessee, etc.). In total, we have members in nearly 40
states of the union from many walks of life.
79 Members of Congress (including Dick Gephardt, Tom Daschle, Richard
Shelby, Barbara Boxer, Marcy Kaptur, David Bonior, Duncan Hunter, Mark
Foley, Sam Farr, Bill Frist, Ron Dellums, George Miller, John Lewis,
Lane Evans, Tony Hall and others from both sides of the aisle) and
Director of the U.S. Office of Consumer Affairs Leslie Byrne have
written or signed letters in support of front panel labeling of
country of origin for frozen produce.
Although current law (based on the Tariff Act of 1930) requires
imported country of origin labeling, the law is routinely ignored by
the industry. The resulting noncompliance means that consumers have no
idea where the frozen produce they buy to feed their families comes
from. As a result, millions of American consumers are left in the
dark as to the origins of their food. We believe that Americans have
a right to know such important product information.
Despite the requirements of current law, in many instances such
labeling is nonexistent or difficult to read or find on frozen produce
packages. In fact, two frozen produce companies, Dean Foods (which
markets the Birds Eye brand) and Southern Foods (which markets the
Southern Farms and McKenzie brands) have been found, in a preliminary
investigation based on a complaint filed by the AAHL, to be in
violation of the current country of origin labeling law. These two
cases have been turned over to the enforcement division of the Customs
Service for action.
The Customs Service proposal will establish a clear standard of
compliance that will help level the playing field for American farmers
by ensuring that important foreign country of origin labeling is
included on frozen produce products sold in this country as it is on
frozen produce products sold in other countries.
Most of our major trading partners, including Canada, Japan, Australia
and many European nations, require country of origin labeling for
imported produce, including produce coming from the U.S. This
proposal will harmonize our labeling policies and put our farmers and
consumers on equal footing with our trading partners. In addition,
surveys have shown that country of origin information can also promote
our domestic produce markets as the labeling does for other countries.
The Court of International Trade has ruled that "conspicuous" labeling
should mean front panel labeling.
Our goal is to see this proposed regulation is enacted; however, in
order to do so, we must continue working to generate as many
supportive letters as possible. We look to you, as an advocate of
free and fair trade and the rights of American consumers, to express
to Customs the positive impact this would have on American consumers,
workers and farmers and on the American economy.
Comments should be sent by October 17, 1997 (in triplicate, if
possible) to the following address:
Regulations Branch
Office of Regulations and Rulings
U.S. Customs Service
Franklin Court
1301 Constitution Avenue, NW
Washington, D.C. 20229
Please reference the proposal number (RIN 1515-AB61) in your letter.
We would be happy to provide you with draft language to use in draftinÿ
your own letter to the Customs Service and can also help with the arms
and legs necessary to make phone calls to mobilize grassroots support.ÿ
Please let us know what we can do to help you. You may also visit our
World Wide Web site online at www.honestlabeling.org. The website
provides complete information on the Customs proposal and the
activities of the AAHL. Please feel free to call me (202-326-1750) or
Kerry Patzke (202-326-1776) with any questions or comments.
We also request that you forward this e-mail on to any other
organizations or individuals who you feel might be interested in this
subject. We need all the help that we can get; the more letters we arÿ
able to generate by October 17, the better our chances of securing
enactment of this regulation. Thank you very much for your assistance
and support.
Ben Finzel
for the American Alliance for Honest Labeling
===== Comments by MDOLAN@CITIZEN (MDOLAN) at 9/27/97 1:03 pm