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Intel letter to FCC
Faxed to FCC today in connection with the Interconnection Docket
Intel Corporation
5200 N. E. Elam Young Parkway
Hillsboro, OR 97124
(503) 696-7162
By FAX July 25, 1996
The Honorable Reed E. Hundt
Chairman, Federal Communications Commission
Room 814, 1919 M Street, N.W.
Washington D.C. 20554
Re: CC Docket No. 96-98 Ex Parte Comments of Intel Corporation
Dear Chairman Hundt:
The Commission should adopt rules in the above docket that facilitate
the competitive provision of higher bandwidth telecommunications
services.* Specifically, this is to request that the FCC require the
unbundling of the local loop in any and all feasible parts and subparts,
and also require that the local exchange carriers ("LECs") permit a
competitor to provide data over voice services on the same loop. The
Commission should require the LECs to establish reasonable rates for any
unbundled facility requested by a competitor.
Cries of "harm to the network" should not be allowed to delay
competition or the provision of new services by competitors. The
incumbent LECs should not be set up as the arbiters of technical
feasibility, or otherwise be allowed to use their custody of the loops
or their superior bargaining power to delay or thwart the provision of
new services by competitors. The LECs should be required to cooperate
with a competitor's attempts to conduct market or technical trials of
new services over unbundled loops or parts of such loops. A competitor
will constrained by the marketplace if it fails competently to deliver a
promised service. Thus, the Commission should rule that the LECs must
provide interconnection and collocation to competitors at any point and
for any equipment, and access to any unbundled facility, a competitor
requests and must establish reasonable rates therefor.
The above measures are critical to ensure that consumers enjoy the full
benefits of the computer industry's hardware and software products and
the rich content that the Internet community stands ready to provide.
Dhruv Khanna
Senior Communications Attorney
cc. Commissioners Chong, Ness and Quello; and William Caton, Acting
*The incumbent local exchange carriers have not been driven by
competition to maximize the use of, and deliver higher bandwidth over,
the local loop. With about a third of our population and a quarter of
our total access lines, Germany today has more than twice the number of
ISDN subscribers. In addition, DSL (Digital Subscriber Line)
technologies are capable of delivering digital transmissions 100 times
faster than the speeds that can be derived by today's fastest POTS