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(Fwd) Re: Dioxin in Cattle

  ------- Forwarded Message Follows -------
  From:          gw@beef.org
  Date:          Tue, 02 Dec 97 12:55:12 MST
  To:            adavies@louisberger.com
  Subject:       Re: Dioxin in Cattle
       Well...you know the "questions"...so tell of what 
       possible business is it of you or anyone else what 
       I earn?  You can't be serious?  
       As to public relations firms...I am a doctor...I 
       have access the the liturature..the facts..so who 
       would need such a group?
       Lastly...relative to information on Mike..I have 
       no  interest in Mike or his writings ( I know 
       virtually nothing about him save he asked me these 
       silly questions that have nothing to do with the 
       dioxin issue) I know he is not a scientist. Yes, I 
       respect his right to express his opinion, and 
       yours as well, however having an opinion and 
       knowing what you are talking about are not 
       mutually inclusive.
  ______________________________ Reply Separator _________________________________
  Subject: Dioxin in Cattle
  Author:  adavies@louisberger.com at Internet-Gateway
  Date:    12/2/97 9:20 AM
  Of course I know what the questions are.  You have quite a talent at 
  turning things around on other people, don't you?  You should have 
  become a spin doctor instead.  (That's not a compliment, in case you 
  were wondering.)
  I wasn't going to honor you with a reply that absurd question to ME;  
  that's your responsibility to answer what other people ask you.  But 
  on the assumption that YOU don't know what the questions were I have 
  included the following:
   "I'm curious, though, to know how much you 
   earn as Executive Director of Regulatory Affairs 
   for NCBA's Center for Public Policy. I'd also like 
   to know which public relations firms helped craft 
   the propaganda that you spew forth.  Finally, I'd 
   like to know where it is that you've obtained 
   writing of mine."
   -Mike Ewall
  gw@beef.org Date:          Mon, 01 Dec 97 14:14:43 MST To:            
  adavies@louisberger.com Subject:       Re: Cows and Dioxin
       Do you even know what the questions were?
  ______________________________ Reply Separator _________________________________
  Subject: Cows and Dioxin
  Author:  adavies@louisberger.com at Internet-Gateway 
  Date:    11/26/97 8:18 AM
  Mr. Weber,
  Still evading the questions, eh?
  -Anita Davies
  From:          gw@beef.org
  Date:          Tue, 25 Nov 97 17:26:38 MST 
  To:            adavies@louisberger.com 
  Subject:       Re: The Dioxin Rounds
  "the truth will always find its way to the people,"
  I am sorry you and so many others are driven by such anger as 
  evidenced by your confrontational approach and choice of words.
  Thank goodness we live in a democracy where we each have an 
  opportunity to voice our opinions.
  I chose to be do so with a degree of respect for my fellow citizens.