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Re: dioxin fingerprints

   Hi, Jamie,
      I haven't read much about POTWs. There is a little
  on the Web about
  contaminants going in and out.
     But here's some raw data (if you'll pardon the
  expression) that might
  be helpful:
  1. If chlorine is used by the POTW, then it will, of
  course, combine
  with the organics in wastewater to form dioxin and
  other nasty
  organochlorines (notably TCE).
  2. Commercial and industrial users of POTWs use a
  tremendous amount of dichlorobenzene as a
  disinfectant (the white or blue tablets of
  stuff in almost all urinals.)  Dichlorobenzene, because
  its chemical structure and origin, is very likely
  with dioxins, furans, and/or PCBs. The treatment of the
  wastewater, depending on what it is, may enhance the
  production of those by-products. Additional
  may be added directly to commercial drains in liquid
  it is sold in 55-gallon drums(!).
  3. Community use of ordinary chlorine bleach may
  contribute significantly to dioxin in wastewater.
  Dishwasher detergents have chlorine bleach as
  an ingredient, chlorine bleach is used directly in
  restaurants and other public places for disinfection,
  and gallons of it are used by most people who
  own clothes washers.
  4. POTWs are a common dumping ground for
  small businesses who can't deal with environmental
  regs. How many pesticide applicators and lawn
  care companies are connected? How do they
  handle the cleaning of their equipment? Do they
  properly dispose of unused liquids when, for
  instance, they get a request for a non-pesticide
  fertilizer application?
  Have you checked all the incoming waste streams for
  dioxin levels?
  I hope this is helpful...
  Jon Campbell
  -----Original Message-----
  From: Jamie Harvie <jharvie@wlssd.duluth.mn.us>
  To: Multiple recipients of list
  Date: Tuesday, August 05, 1997 3:20 PM
  Subject: dioxin fingerprints
  I have been involved in dioxin sampling at our POTW. We
  have sampled all
  industry effluent, including a local Pulp Mill ( even
  leachate from its'
  landfill). The detection limit was around 1 ppt and we
  had no "hits" (except
  a few OCDDs, and 250 ppt of PeCDD in a Parks department
  pesticide), yet our
  wastewater sludge ranges from 2-4 ppt. I was wondering
  if I could tell what
  our dioxin source is, based on its' fingerprint. Does
  anyone have experience
  they could share?
  Jamie Harvie
  2626 Courtland St.
  Duluth, MN
  p 218-722-3336
  f 218-727-7471