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Re: let's build a unified movement, not fight each other

  >And if this USEPA scientist/manager is underpaid, underrespected,
  >overworked, or MAYBE gets crap from various environmental groups
  >because he won't jump everytime they have a complaint, he may take a
  >serious look at an offer that guarantees his family a lifestyle he
  >believes they deserve.  He does not have to sell out at all, he/she can
  >just take the perspective that it was like an Army tour of duty - did
  >their bit for their country and environment, now it is time to think
  >about their family.  
  >You don't have to like this, but you should not fault them for this,
  >and maybe JUST maybe try to understand it.  I don't know of many people
  >who would not change ships when offered a doubling of their salary.  If
  >you don't like this answer, then you might as well start digging up the
  >conspiracy theories on why so many bright teachers keep leaving their
  >jobs . . .
  >Sam McClintock
  >Sam, I am really getting tired of this.  What you say is true enough on its
  face, but I think you are doing what you keep accusing others of doing:
  refusing to see the other side.  You seem to be saying that activists, who
  are typically working for less than nothing, while at the same time
  struggling to understand scientific and engineering minutae, should not be
  pissed of at encountering professional "scientists" and bureaucrats who lick
  the boots of the polluters.
  Let us consider your stereotypes for a moment:  Who is more likely to be
  right, the amateur who doesn't have all the methodology down pat but says we
  need to reduce emissions of pollutants, or the professional with pallets of
  fancy-looking documentation about why her client(s) should be left alone to
  burn garbage or whatever?
  I do agree that people working for protection of public health and the
  "environment" should try to get better at distinguishing the good people
  from the bums, and the big central core of time-servers.  This isn't easy,
  any more than it's easy to tell the medical doctor with the smooth bedside
  manner from the technically competent one, but it's essential to know who
  one's friends are and back them up.
  Alan Muller