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Re: TCF Pulp Market & Pulp strength

  They are exaggerating mightily! Or else they are just NOT up to snuff on
  the new technologies. 
  They CAN easily achieve between 82 and 88 brightness with TCF, and if they
  lose more than 5% strength (if that) it's because they don't know what they
  are doing. Of course, they might be talking about doing all this WITHOUT
  oxygen delignification - which is just silly. 
  I do get so tired of these company arguments, disguised as market driven,
  from the (intentionally) technologically-incompetent! BAT (Best Available
  Technology) doesn't mean much if you don't want to know what the new
  developments are because you want to go on using old equipment, old
  methods, old pollution permits! 
  At 08:52 PM 17/07/97 -0400, you wrote:
  >>Date: Wed, 30 Apr 1997 03:26:42
  >>To: dioxin-l@essential.org
  >>From: Willamette Riverkeeper <wrkeeper@teleport.com>
  >>Subject: TCF Pulp Market & Pulp strength
  >>Hello List servers,
  >>I need some help.
  >>>Pope & Talbot operates a bleach pupl plant along the banks ofthe
  >Willamette River. You can guess the effluent. They defend not going
  >chlorine-free because there is not a big enough specialty market for
  >chlorine-free pulp. They claim if they go TCF in the current market place
  >they are in trouble because they cannot achieve a chlorine-free 87/88 point
  >pulp without lossing 15% fiber strength. Are they full of BS or are they
  >right? Please advise. 
  >>>Thank you so very very much,
  >		A river cannot be seperated from the land. They are 		 	biologically
  >entwined, each nourishing the other.
  >Willamette Riverkeeper
  >P.O. Box 11606
  >Portland, OR 97211-0606
  Delores Broten, 
  Reach for Unbleached! Foundation,
  Box 39, Whaletown BC Canada V0P 1Z0
  Ph/fax: (250) 935-6992