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Stern Pioneer Announcement (fwd)

                        STERN FAMILY FUND
  That time of year has again arrived: the
  summer sun has subsided, 1997 is just around the corner, and the Stern
  Family Fund has begun its search for next year's Public Interest Pioneers.
  In 1997, the Fund will again provide several Public Interest Pioneers with
  large seed grants of up to $100,000 to spark the creation of new
  organizations in the field of government and corporate acccountablity. 
  And again the Fund is looking for true Pioneers, individuals with
  experience in their field, a passion to succeed, and a vision for bringing
  about systemic reform -- reform that attacks the root causes of problems,
  not just the symptoms.
  > 	Are you a prospective Stern Pioneer? 
  > 	Do you know somebody else who may be interested?  
  We hope you can help
  us find individuals with meaningful experience in corporate and government
  accountability and with the determination to launch cutting edge projects
  as Public Interest Pioneers.  
  We hope to again find Pioneers like Sara Horowitz, a 1996 Pioneer Grant 
  recipient who launched Working Today, a
  broad-based national membership advocacy organization designed for today's
  transient work-place, or D.J.  Powers who used his grant to found the
  Center for Economic Justice, an aggressive advocacy center in Texas
  representing low-income consumers in administrative agencies.  
  To get a better sense of who should apply, visit our WEB SITE and review our
  guidelines and annotated list of grantees:  
  or send a Self-Addressed Stamped Envelope to:  Stern Family Fund, P.O.  
  Box 1590, Arlington, VA 22210-0890.  
  To Be Considered for a Pioneer Grant,Prospective Public Interest Pioneers must submit three copies of a concept
  paper of no more than three pages postmarked by, JANUARY 4, 1997. Concept
  papers and letters of inquiry are currently being reviewed.
  ********************PLEASE POST THIS TO ANY LIST OR***********************
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