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Ida Tarbell

  One heroine in the Standard Oil Case is not mentioned in
  the Mercury News article:  Ida Tarbell.  One of the earlilest muckrakers,
  she wrote a series of magazine articles about Standard Oil
  exposing the company's business practices.   In 1904 she published
  "History of the Standard Oil Company", a book based on the articles.
  Where is our Tarbell?
  Then there was Judge Kennesaw Mountain Landis, who
  levied a 29 million dollar fine against Standard Oil in 1907.
  He later became our first baseball commissioner.
  Last week Judge Jackson uninstalled IE from Windows 95
  himself, with ease.  I wonder if he likes baseball...
  Tod Landis
  claribba wrote:
  > For a lucid article on antitrust vs. AT&T, IBM, Standard Oil Co., and a
  > couple of other cases, see today's [12-21-97] San Jose Mercury article by
  > Scott Herhold & Scott Thurm "Antitrust: big no longer equals bad" at:
  >         http://www.sjmercury.com/business/microsoft/docs/ms122197.htm
  > No subscription is needed to read this.  It can be accessed from the
  > Mercury Center page...link on the lower right side of page.
  > Claire Macdonald