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In Japan: Microsoft Licensing Plan Denounced By User Group

  Interesting item from Japan.  jl
  FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                           CONTACT:
  DECEMBER 18, 1997                                                      
  Microsoft Licensing Plan Denounced By User Group 
  December 18, 1997 
  Fighting A Corporate Giant, Japanese User Group Asks Microsoft to
  Reconsider Stance On Concurrent Use Licensing
  TOKYO, JAPAN  December 18, 1997 --- The 200 member strong Tokyo,
  Japan-based KeyServer User Group, released today an open letter sent to
  Microsoft Corp. requesting the reinstatement of a popular licensing
  Microsoft Corp. has unilaterally decided to cancel a software licensing
  option many network administrators use to ensure full site-wide
  compliance with software intellectual property rights.  Known as the
  Upgrade Advantage Plus program,  business and academic network
  administrators purchase special concurrent use rights for some Microsoft
  applications.  In effect, it is a popular way to allow shared software
  on a network for a multitude of users without buying individual per-seat
  The typical software application purchased at a retail store comes with
  a one-user license. Since many corporations have users who might need to
  use any given software application on an occasional basis, it is cost
  prohibitive to many organizations to purchase so many per-node
  licenses.  With the recently canceled program, administrators could
  purchase concurrent use licenses, ensure system-wide compliance with
  software license metering software and thereby combat end-user software
  Microsoft abruptly announced its decision recently to stop selling any
  new policies and not to renew existing contracts thereby making all
  customers purchase the less flexible and sometimes less cost-effective
  per-node licenses.  
  Excerpts from the English Translation of the Open Letter to Microsoft
  Tokyo, Japan-based KeyServer Users Group president, Toru Hirai, (a
  manager at Ricoh Co., Ltd.), announced the release today, of its
  "Concurrent Use License Promoting Workgroup" letter requesting Microsoft
  Corp. to reconsider the announced cancellation of its popular concurrent
  user license program known as the Upgrade Advantage Plus program.
  "REQUEST TO MICROSOFT: Canceling the Microsoft concurrent use licensing
  program would hamper the enlightened policies to eradicate software
  piracy.  Through the use of the Upgrade Advantage Plus program, network
  administrators have found an ideal solution to full site-wide license
  "Considering the fact that we presented to Microsoft Corp. a letter of
  recognition and appreciation in deciding to sell  the Upgrade Advantage
  Plus program in Japan two years ago and have supported it fully since
  then, its termination is very regrettable. 
  "In addition, one month from the time of notice until the programs
  termination,  is not in keeping with generally accepted business
  practices.  It is too short.  
  "If not the current Upgrade Advantage Plus program, may we respectfully
  ask what type of solution you can provide us and our organizations ?  We
  have been working hard to combat software piracy and to provide easy,
  efficient and effective ways of managing software licenses.  We await
  your timely and thoughtful response."
  PAGE 2/2  DECEMBER 18, 1997
  PRESS RELEASE: Microsoft Licensing Plan Denounced By User Group
  About the Concurrent Use License Promoting Workgroup
  Established in April of 1996, the Concurrent Use License Promoting
  Workgroup, is part of the  200 member strong Tokyo, Japan-based
  KeyServer User Group of corporate network administrators involved in
  fighting software piracy by actively monitoring their computer networks
  with software license metering applications such as Sassafrass
  KeyServer, and promoting the use of concurrent use licensing.  
  The group was formed in response to the worldwide anti-piracy efforts
  promoted by software developers to combat illegal software piracy.  The
  group meets bi-monthly in Tokyo, Japan to discuss current trends in
  combating software piracy and to learn the latest breakthroughs in
  concurrent use licensing.  For more information, please see their
  website at:  http://www.quality.co.jp/ksug/
  Related Stories 
  Information about Microsoft Corp.s Upgrade Advantage Plus program may
  be found at http://www.microsoft.com/select/o100.htm  . The Software
  Publishers Association (SPA) encourages the public to report suspected
  cases of software piracy on their toll-free 800 piracy hotline
  The Chronicle of Higher Education earlier this month published an
  account of American university IS managers upset with Microsofts
  cancellation of its concurrent licensing program : 
  For More Information
  Please contact:
  Japan:  Mr. Kunio Iijima                United States:  Mr. Kiyoharu
  "Kirk" Ura
          Secretary,                                      Executive
          KeyServer Users Group                           KeyServer Users
          c/o Quality Corporation                     c/o QualitySoft
          27 Ichibancho                                   1 Almaden Blvd.,
  Ste. 220
          Chiyoda-ku                                      San Jose CA
          Tokyo 102 Japan                                 PH. 408/271-8801
  F: 408/271-8804
          Ph. 81-3-5275-6121 F: 81-3-5275-6130           
  Brands and products referenced herein are the trademarks or registered
  trademarks of their respective holders.