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RE: Opinion of a psychiatrist
>Uh, ok, I guess we can blame MS for making dangerous things available - but
>the word 'beta' means "you will experience problems", and really
>shouldn't be used unless your prepared to completely reinstall and restore
>your operating system. What beta's are for are 'previews' of whats in
>of what's to come, and hasn't been finished yet (if software can EVER be
>considered 'finished'). Netscape was a big practicioner of letting the public
>in on beta software still in development. Of course, whether a bug is
>or intentional is the eternal question, and I'm still waiting for
>documented proof
>of some sort, some 'whistle blower' from out of Redmond to produce an
>internal memo or other actual evidence to confirm our conspiracy theories.
yeah..me too!
BTW..up until I downloaded the beta from MSFT, I never had any problems
anything like(!) the one I had with IE..[I had been running Netscape betas
with *no* problems at all at that time:Dec.'96 I think]
upon installation, it moved a file called MacTCP/DNR from being loose in my
system folder to being enclosed in a folder within my system folder. When
that happened I couldn't connect to the internet.If that file isn't loose
in your system folder [System 7.5.x] you *cannot* connect to the internet
via modem..check it out.
At that point I had less than 6 months experience with computers, and yet I
was able to figure out what was wrong, by comparing my system folder which
*did* have IE on it, with a system folder on a secondary drive that had not
had IE installed. Now, I said to myself..if those programmers in Redmond
are so smart, how could they have missed this?..I'm a graphic designer for
God's sake..with NO technical background in computers at all!!
Give me a break!
I agree with you however on running betas..Netscape went on to produce some
really crummy betas and I hate Communicator..it's bloatware, just like
Microsoft's rubbish.I use Netscape 3.01..