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RE: Microsoft vs Justice Department
On Sun, 2 Nov 1997 13:55:59 -0500 (EST), Tibor Machan wrote:
>I certainly wouldn't presume to put shackles on the people who do produce
>what I want from them, even if they were all alone doing so. SO long as
>Microsoft or Sears does not prevent -- or hire the government to prevent
>-- others from entering the market, raising capital to fund a competing
>firm, etc., I would regard it as the company's (people's) right to offer
>their products for sale at their own terms instead of calling in cops to
>impose mine. Microsoft is no de jure monopolist, even if in some areas it
>may have the stage to itself -- like the Beatles did or Fred Astair or
>Ralph Nader (as a supposed consumer advocate). A natural monopolist of
>this kind -- which means they have risen to the top, like a marathon
>runner has kept the lead and won the race -- is no threat to freedom or to
>productivity. Anyone on this list is (largely) at liberty to compete with
>Microsoft or Sears (Sears nearly went under from competition a few years
Okay, so it doesn't matter what underhanded practices got you the
monopoly??? We all shouldn't care that if we want to buy a PC we're
forced to pay for a copy of an M$ OS whether we want it or not?? There's
nothing wrong with M$ telling independent hardware vendors that if they
sell anything else but M$ products they will no longer allow them to
bundle M$ products??? Did the Beatles tell all the record stores that if
they wanted to sell Beatles records they could no longer sell you a
Rolling Stones record??? (your analogy)
Your arguments are based on the completely *WRONG* assumption that
M$ is a "natural monopoly". Are you so naive as to believe that M$ has
done nothing but develop great technology??? I'm not trying to be nasty
but that's completely laughable, the only thing M$ hasn't done to garnish
their current marketshare is produce a better product.
I don't get it, you claim that the market should drive the industry
yet you don't see anything wrong with a company that will use its'
marketshare (not a better product) to keep any competition out of the
market. M$ doesn't want its' products to compete on their own merits,
they'll do anything they can to see to it that consumers will never get a
chance to choose another product. You say you want an open market yet
you don't see anyting wrong with a company using their power in the
industry to keep all competition out. IMO a "free market" is one that's
open to competition, but that's *NOT* what we have in this industry
today. You're either for a "free market" *OR* you see nothing wrong with
what we have now, not both because what M$ has been allowed to create for
themselves promotes anything but a free and open market.
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