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NAFTA TAA on the Web!
Public Citizen's Global Trade Watch is pleased to offer the following tool
for your organizing efforts in opposition to NAFTA expansion:
This address contains infromation about every company in every state -- you
can select your search -- that has been certified by the Dept of Labor as
having laid off workers because of NAFTA. As of August 4th, a total of
135,248 workers are official NAFTA job-loss victims, at least in the sense
that they are eligible for benefits under this one narrow program.
This information is offered on the Trade Watch Home Page with this
The TAA data represents the tip of the iceberg. These numbers do not
reflect the total job loss effects of the NAFTA model on employment in this
country. In particular, the federal government ignores the effect of our
unprecedented trade deficits with both our NAFTA partners. In addition,
the criteria for the assistance program are extremely narrow -- only
workers who are engaged in the actual manufacture of a product -- and many
workers who would be eligible don't apply, often because they are unaware
of the program (especially if they are unrepresented in the workplace).
We caution you against relying on these or any other job loss figures to
the exclusion of the other cogent arguments against NAFTA expansion on a
"fast track" -- issues relating to the environment (esp along the border),
threats to public health and safety (contaminated foods in unsafe trucks),
falling real wage rates, increasing cross-border illegal drug traffic and
the basic failure of NAFTA to live up to its advance billing (conceded
already by the White House).
We urge you to contact your congressional delegation and be heard:
*No NAFTA expansion -- No "fast track" negotiating authority*
Congress should not abdicate its constitutional authority to decide
international commerce policy and multilateral trade treaties. This debate
is too important to be force fed "fast track" -- a legislative laxative
that's bad for the constitution.
Please distribute this Alert widely.
/s/ Mike Dolan, Field Director, Global Trade Watch, Public Citizen
Join the Global Trade Watch list server. We will keep you up to date on
trade policy and politics. To subscribe, send this message: "SUBSCRIBE
TW-LIST" [followed by your name, your organizational affiliation and the
state in which you live] to LISTPROC@ESSENTIAL.ORG
Then check out our web-site ---> www.citizen.org/pctrade
Fred Ross, Sr.