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Happy Birthday to Shell? Verifying the date

  On Thu, 9 Oct 1997 lynx@gn.apc.org wrote:
  > Shell's 100th birthday party will be held on Monday 20th October at the
  > Guildhall, Gresham Street, The City, London. 7 for 7.30pm.
  Somehow I remember having heard something about the actual anniversary
  date being Saturday the 18th... Am I correct or wrong? Could somebody tell
  me the right date ASAP. This is urgent, because I am trying to write a
  press release for the Finnish media tomorrow morning.
  Another question: is this also the 40th anniversary of Shell in Nigeria?
  I've also heard something like this.
  Sorry about my stupid questions, but you know, Finland is so far from
  everything that it's hard to get information... :)
  I am looking forward to your answer(s).
  Jouni Nissinen
  Finnish Service Centre for Development Cooperation