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Goaisatsu from Latecomer

  Hi, I am a latecomer to this list. I just came back from Japan (Sorry, 
  I didn't contact you, folks in Japan).  Surprised to find this list 
  As a freelance writer from Japan currently based in San Francisco, 
  I cover the story of grassroots issues in the U.S., including computer 
  issues, for magazines and newspapers in Japan. I helped organize 
  Jamie Love's lectures in Japan this August. It was an interesting 
  experience and I would like to participate in this list.
  Well, this was my goaisatsu (initial greeting).
  I try to post information about what happens in Japan, but I am 
  also interested in hearing what's your group and related movements 
  have been doing in Japan after Jamie's visit.
  Maybe, first we need to gather what's written (in English, preferably 
  online) about the right-to-know movement/issue in Japan. Any info 
  will help...
           Aki Okabe   kokabe@igc.apc.org  kokabe@jca.or.jp