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Another Point of View (Round 0)
As I said in the beginning (Round 0), Bill consults to companies who take
advantage of high LEC prices and, as he told me many times, these companies
would likely abandon their efforts (and his consulting) if this pricing
umbrella was dropped. This translates into the "biggest longterm threat"
becoming anyone who tries to hammer down prices at the PUCs. Whatever
apparent contradictions all this raises is then patched back up with
libertarian rationalization about a perfect world just over the horizon
after the
dragon of big government is slain. Sheesh.
It's almost as bad as George Gilder rationalizing his support for greater
concentration in telecom (particularly the telco-buying-cable scenario he
thumps for at every chance) with his microcosmic musings about power to the
microman -- while he consults to Bell Atlantic and others. How we get from
multinational domination of global markets to dramatic increases in
personal liberty never gets spelled out. It's also shown by Gilder's utter
inability to address the "death of the soul" argued by Tom Wolfe in the
current issue of Forbes ASAP. Gilder asserts that niche WEB publishing
will wipe out nihilism but never explains why or how this will happen.
It's a convenient belief and, since it hasn't changed at all in the 8 years
I've known him, I suspect that it is much more rationalization than
rationality. God knows the facts have changed and so have we.
Rather than people trying to view reality through ideological blinders, I
suspect that ideology, in many cases, is more of a psychological salve
which sooths the otherwise nagging aspects of an all too real and personal
reality. True believers are, in many cases, hiding from something about
themselves that they don't really like. The belief system makes life
bearable and, as such, is simply not open to discussion because of the pain
which it masks. Even those who claim to thrive on re-examination of "basic
premises", are really using their "philosophy" a crutch, in my experience.
And, yes for the record, the act that Bill accused Jamie of -- throwing him
off this list for dising Nader -- is precisely what Bill did to me on the
Digitaliberty list which I cofounded because I dised Hayek. It is funny
the way these themes seem to repeat themselves, isn't it?
I have suggested that the Net might have some anti-propaganda
capabilities when I contrast it to television. Well, that might be asking a
lot but maybe we can deal with some more obvious forms of hypocrisy
first and then get to the propaganda later.
Mark Stahlman
New Media Associates
New York City