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  >11/15/96 1:37am ct
  >	The first of next week we hope the TIUG, represented by its Regulatory
  >Committee and Counsel and with the support of our Board, will be presenting
  >a proposal for consideration by the parties which are attempting to reach a
  >stipulated settlement regarding sanctions against GTE; the settlement is to
  >be offered to the PUC in lieu of an administrative hearing.
  >	While great care is being taken to make sure our proposal is fair and
  >comprehensive, there is bound to be something we will fail to include
  >because we didn't think of it in time.  That's where you come in.  If you
  >believe there is something which should be included in this proposal,
  >please respond to this message NOW!  Think about your experience with ISDN,
  >regardless of provider, and what could be done better and less expensively.
  >Be Brief.  The idea is probably sufficient.
  >	Our goal is to use this opportunity to have GTE voluntarily improve its
  >ISDN-type service offerings (including customer rates) rather than for the
  >parties to simply beat-up on GTE.
  >	So, please get in touch with us NOW.
  >Robert Brown
  >Chair, TIUG Regulatory Committee
  Robert Wade Brown
  Robert Wade Brown & Associates in Telecommunications Consulting	
  POB 49049
  Austin, TX 78765-9049
  512/372-4270, Fax 71, rwb@robert.com; res 512/472-8080