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Re: ISP phone ratio's and Interoffice trunkage for voice
To provide some more information about the ISP phone ratio dialog,
the University of Texas at Austin provides a dial service for its students
that might be considered a UT ISP. This service is called Telesys and is
limited to all students faculty and staff at the University of Texas at
Austin for a FLAT fee with no USAGE or TIME charges. The service is
provided via lines to the local exchange carrier (in this case Southwestern
Bell) and lines from the local campus telephone switch.
The reason there are lines on the local campus telephone switch is
because the on campus users started to overload the number of trunks between
the campus switch and the local serving Bell central office (which is where
the service was obtained from). The standard Erlang distribution
implementation that was serving the campus proved to extremely inadequate
for the new service because users in dorms and campus offices were dialing
the Telesys service for network access. The result was long periods where
calls were blocked between the Bell office and the campus. The initial
offering was a text based offering and revealed the problem. When the
offering was changed to provide PPP and SLIP service (meaning the user was
not an Internet site instead of being a terminal attached to a campus
computer) the problem exploded and the service was changed to include a
connection to the local campus telephone switch. This connection has the
same telephone number as the Bell provided service which is done by trapping
that number when dialed from on campus and directing it to the local
connection to the modems. If a campus phone dials in and all campus
connections to modems are busy then the call is allowed to overflow to the
trunks to the Bell office where it comes back to campus on the Bell lines.
While this service is not provided by ISDN it is a case study where
Internet access has produced some tangible results for number of lines and
call duration that are very different from the standard Erlang calculated
results. It should also be noted Telesys is being REQUIRED by some
professors as the submission method for classwork, there is no time limit on
the length of use by the students, the University of Texas provides a free
mail box and mail address for all who register, and the service provides the
students a complete set of software for PCs and MACs to utilize all Internet
services like FTP, WEB, Telnet, etc. This might not mirror the world
outside the irovy tower, but it does give data about the increase in use of
the telephone system for Internet access. The system has grown to 1800
modems serving about 40,000 students, faculty and staff. This ratio still
produces a few times where the users get a busy modem when they call. Until
this ratio, the system was 100% busy for several hours from mid afternoon
until past midnight. This usage pattern might be more indicative of
students than the general population but it was constant as the number of
users went up and the number of modems provided went up.
Telesys was designed to be a single modem pool on a single rotary,
but calcualting the cost of the additional trunks to the Bell CO for campus
calls to reach Telesys, the cost of additional Bell lines to the modem
service to maintain the level of service and the knowledge the University
was embarking on a University wide LAN connection to every dorm room and
campus office led to the decision to provide two modem pools. One was the
local campus accessible system that would overflow to the Bell system. The
second was the original Bell line accessible system that will not overflow
to the campus modems. This decision alters the actual modem utilization
somewhat but is a driven by the cost of the service of trunks and lines from
the LEC.
This data clearly shows the impact on a telephone system designed to
support voice traffic of data service. This data will become more the norm
as the competition between ISPs drives down the cost of usage. I will add
that I am accessing the net over an ISDN line and I was very pleased by the
quicker response of 128K. The system in Austin was implemented on a
separate telephone switch that was NOT adequately trunked to the 'analog
voice switch" in the same CO. Many times I would get a fast busy dialing a
voice call to a destination served by the the same CO but on the voice
switch. This was the case many times when I would revert to the analog
modem call to Telesys because of an outage in the ISDN equipment at the
University, which is an expermental system now.
So, if ISPs provide both ISDN digital service and ISDN delivered analog
service there can be an impact on the analog users trying to obtain a trunk
between "switches" in the same CO, as was the case in Austin, Texas.
For those of you interested in more information on Telesys from a
user's perspective you can go to:
or for a user guide to:
I think it is clear to say the community of users would jump at an
ISDN digital service and that ISDN would produce slightly different usage
data given the same parameters. There might be some testing of this
delivery system as the local campus telephone switch has been upgraded to
support ISDN BRI and PRI connections. That decision has yet to be made.
Thank you,
Wayne Wedemeyer