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Pacific Bell installation freeze in affect?

  Has anyone noticed that Pacific Bell is putting a freeze on new ISDN BRI and 
  possibly PRI installs in the San Francisco Bay area? Starting a couple of 
  weeks ago it seems I'm getting the "ISDN in XXX has been going so well that 
  now our switch is maxed out and we can't install new lines...  We may be 
  able to install new lines in May." I was also denied a PRI request to the 
  Oakland Airport a couple of week ago too.  A number of people in the office 
  think this is related to a new installation pricing tariff that is coming 
  up.  I have both BRI and PRI requests pending in Walnut Creek, Oakland, and 
  One comment I got back was that Pac Bell has a shortage of ISDN trained 
  techs and are total over booking them and lately has started booking them 
  farther in advance.
  Others seem to favor the conspiracy is afoot theme.  
  I'm leaning towards the manpower shortage theory given my experience with 
  getting lines installed and the with telco guys I have met over the last 
  couple of years.
  I'd be interested in hearing comments one way or another on this.  TIA.
  Marc Kupper, MKupper@KentConsulting.com
  Kent Consulting Group, Oakland, CA
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