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Virginia Orders ISDN Pricing Investigation
On February 26, 1996, the Virginia Corporations Commission approved a
staff recommendation that the Commission initiate an investigation into
the prcing and provisioning of Bell Atlantic's residential ISDN tariff
filing. BA reportedly lobbied the Commission very hard against this
outcome. The Virginia Corporations Commission will accept comments from
the public on BA's residential ISDN rates. The Commission specifically
wants comments on the following issues:
1. Whether flat rate prices for voice use, data, or both should be made
available and at what price.
2. whether existing usage-sensitive prices are affordable,
3. whether the offered transmission capabilities of ISDN lines are
adequate, and
4. whether there are additional concerns about the service.
They want 5 copies of comments sent to the Clerk of the Commission,
William J. Bridge, c/o Document Control Center, P.O. Box 2118, Richmond,
Virginia 23218, on or before April 22, 1996. You should refer to the
case as Case No. PUC950078. For more information, contact the Commission
at 804-371-9420.
This is very good news for Virginia consumers who object to Bell
Atlantic's very high ISDN tariffs (under the current tariffs, 100 hours of
2B+D usage will cost from $120 to $240 depending upon time of day, not to
mention the $34 fixed monthly fee. An individual that tried to use a 2B+D
connection for a wep page on a home computer would generate charges
between $1,100 and $1,200 per month from BA). If you live in Virginia,
and want flat rate ISDN, write the Commission. For further information,
there are a number of documents and links about ISDN at:
James Love, love@tap.org
P.O. Box 19367, Washington, DC 20036; v. 202/387-8030; f. 202/234-5176
Consumer Project on Technology; http://www.essential.org/cpt/cpt.html
Taxpayer Assets Project; http://www.essential.org/tap/tap.html