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Northern Arkansas Telephone Company ISDN and IPS services

  Well, the Northern Arkansas rates are very interesting.  Not only is ISDN 
  available for $17.90 per month, flat rate, but the Telco provides free 
  ISP for six months, with very low fees thereafter.  An ftp, telnet, shell 
  account is $3 per month.  Email is $2 per month.   Maybe the larger RBOCs 
  could do a little better than they have so far. jamie
  from their web page. ....
  Digital Line Service ISDN
  Internet Connectivity-no charge for six months
  Requires: Combinet Bridge, WaveRunner Modem, or Adtran Modem
  Internet Software such as NetManage
  This gives you World Wide Web Site home page capability, e-mail, server, 
  Telnet, gopher-all Internet services.
  There is no toll charge in the 436 exchange. 1 1/2 cents per minute is 
  the rate in all other exchanges for a call to Lead Hill.
  South Shore BBS-no charge
  Initial Internet Connectivity:
  e-mail account @ southshore.k12.ar.us-$2.00/month
  FTP, Telnet, plus Shell account-$3.00/month
  PPP/Slip connectivity and Websurfer-software currently being written
  access the BBS from your computer at (501) 453-6282
  Web Site Services
  individual quotes for site at southshore.k12.ar.us
  Preparation of HTML home pages-quoted per job
  Internet Access by Companies
  We can provide multiple hosts up to 16
  NATCO can subnet and route packets to your network-contact Steven Sanders 
  at NATCO for more information
  NATCO has gotten a domain called southshore.com
  NATCO's server is called natco.southshore.com
  We will help you process domain name requests and we will assign you IP 
  We can provide multiple hosts up to 16
  NATCO can subnet and route packets to your network-contact Steven Sanders 
  at NATCO for more information
  NATCO has gotten a domain called southshore.com
  NATCO's server is called natco.southshore.com
  We will help you process domain name requests and we will assign you IP 
  NATCO will seek network licensing agreements for softwarepackages for 
  Internet connectivity customers.
  For more information on these services contact a NATCO customer service 
  representative at 1-800-775-6682.
  James Love, love@tap.org
  P.O. Box 19367, Washington, DC 20036; v. 202/387-8030; f. 202/234-5176
  Consumer Project on Technology; http://www.essential.org/cpt/cpt.html
  Taxpayer Assets Project; http://www.essential.org/tap/tap.html