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Protest PacBell ISDN rate hike (fwd)

  TAP-INFO - An Internet newsletter available from listproc@tap.org
  January 4, 1996
  -    Pac Bell Proposes huge increases in residential ISDN
       tariffs.  Pac Bell proposed to double the daytime metered
       usage rate, and to introduce, for the first time, per minute
       metered charges in off-peak hours.
  -    Deadline for Comments to California PSC is Friday, January
       5, 1996.
  -    Public may file comments by fax, at (415)-703-1758.  If your
       fax is received by the deadline it will be accepted by the
       CPUC as an official protest.  Faxes may be accepted beyond
       the 5th, at the discretion of the Commission.
  -    The California PUC Public Advisor also receives email at
       public.advisor@cpuc.ca.gov.  The status of protests filed by
       email is uncertain, but we are hoping that these comments
       will be processed by the Commission staff.  (The Washington
       State WUTC just announced that it will receive comments on
       the Washington State US West ISDN Tariff at
  The following is from Jim Warren's excellent newsletter,
  GovAccess (available from Majordomo@well.com), in a December 27
  article titled "Telco Monopoly Ripoffs Begin: Pac Bell Wants to
  Double Home, Business ISDN Rates." 
       Seasons Greetings! . . . on Dec 5th, Pac Bell applied
       to the Calif Public Utilities Commission to *double*
       its per-minute rates for residential and business ISDN
       victims, uh, subscribers -- jacking it up to 2.1-cents
       per minute for daytime phone use; [and adding new
       charges of ] 1.46-cents per minute for evening calls;
       [and] 0.84-cents per minute for nights and weekends. 
       They also propose to eliminate their current waiver of
       installation charges for customers who subscribe for at
       least a two-year term.  All sorts of other ISDN charges
       are also escalated, and previous benefits are
       eliminated or capped.
  Dan Kegel's description of the Pac Bell rate increases is as
  Centrex rates:  increasing by $8/mo.
  Business rates:
      Old Each Additional Minute    New Each Additional Minute
  Day            $.0105               $.0210
  Evening        $.0073               $.0146
  Night/Weekend  $.0042               $.0084
  Home rates: same as business, but with 20 free hours of off-peak/month. [TAP/CPT Note, current residential tariff is
  unmetered for evening, night and weekend use]
  Pac Bell's proposed increases are clearly an attempt exploit its
  monopoly power.  The practical result of the rate hike will be an
  extreme limiting of residential ISDN as a popular option for
  Internet access.
       You may send faxes to the California Public Utilities
  Commission that will be filed as official protests to this action
  if received by close of business in California on January 5,
  1996.  The CPUC Public Advisor's voice number if you have any
  questions is (415) 703-2074.  The cover sheet of your fax should
  be marked to the attention of the "Public Advisor" and should
  also be marked "Urgent" in large, distinctive type.  The CPUC's
  fax number is:
  On the cover of the fax as well as in the heading of your faxed
  protest letter, you should also reference the docket number:
  The protests should be addressed to:
  Public Advisor's Office
  California PUC
  505 Van Ness Ave or 107 S. Broadway
  San Francisco CA 94102 Los Angeles CA 90012
  via fax (415)-703-1758
  Re: A95-12-043, Pac Bell proposed ISDN tariffs
  -    Pac Bell should not be allowed to impose per minuted metered
       charges for off-peak hours
  -    Pac Bell is proposing to charge residential consumers 39
       percent more for off-peak use than it currently charges
       commercial users during peak hours.  (1.46 cents compared to
       1.05 cents per minute.
  -    It is in the public interest to promote ISDN deployment, and
       the use of new information services that are connected for
       longer periods of time (as we use the Internet to deliver
       new services).  Per minute charges for the service should be
  -    ISDN has tremendous application in education, entertainment,
       civic participation, and self-improvement.  It is a general
       consumer technology not confined to a niche market, and it
       should be encouraged rather than made inaccessible by an
       unjust and unwarranted rate hike.
  Please get your faxes out as soon as possible.  Stress to the
  CPUC that ISDN is an important technology representing the next
  step in the evolution of the information superhighway, and Pac
  Bell's proposal would prevent ISDN from reaching its potential in
  opening up new services and telecommunication advances on the
  INFORMATION POLICY NOTES is a free Internet newsletter sponsored
  by the Taxpayer Assets Project (TAP) and the Consumer Project on
  Technology (CPT).  Both groups are projects of the Center for
  Study of Responsive Law, which is run by Ralph Nader.  The
  LISTPROC services are provide by Essential Information.  Archives
  of TAP-INFO are available from
  TAP and CPT both have Internet Web pages.
  Subscription requests to tap-info to listproc@tap.org with
  the message:  subscribe tap-info your name
  TAP and CPT can both be reached off the net at P.O. Box 19367,
  Washington, DC  20036, Voice:  202/387-8030; Fax: 202/234-5176