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OEM: New Book on Occupational Cancer

  >Date: Mon, 03 Nov 1997 19:52:31 -0500
  >From: Jim Brophy <jbrophy@MNSi.Net>
  >To: occ-env-med-L@list.mc.duke.edu
  >Subject: OEM: New Book on Occupational Cancer
  >Sender: owner-occ-env-med-l@list.mc.duke.edu
  >Return-Path: occ-env-med-l-owner@dudley.mc.duke.edu
  >Dear Friends,
  >The Windsor Occupational Health Information Service (WOHIS) has just had
  >published a new edition of its book, Workplace Roulette: Gambling with
  >Cancer.  The book contains eleven chapters, plus a foreword written by
  >Rory O'Neill, a respected health and safety activist from the United
  >Kingdom. The main text of the book presents cancer rates in a concise
  >and clear fashion; examines cancer among blue-collar workers; looks at
  >the Bendix Automotive workers' and Elliot Lake miners' experiences with
  >escalated cancer rates; presents occupational cancer issues specific to
  >women; offers suggestions for how workers can investigate cancer in
  >their own workplaces; includes interviews with working people who are
  >suffering with cancer caused by their workplace; scrutinises the
  >connection between a polluted environment and deteriorating human
  >health; and offers solutions and avenues for hope to prevent this
  >dreaded disease. An extensive list of resources (people, organizations,
  >publications, web-sites), a glossary of terms, and an index for quickly
  >locating subjects of specific interest to different readers (e.g.
  >cutting fluids, electromagnetic fields, breast cancer, environmental
  >issues) is provided in the book as well.  
  >Single copies of Workplace Roulette: Gambling With Cancer can be ordered
  >from the publisher for $14.95 + 3.00 postage and handling, totalling
  >$17.95. Please make cheque payable to Between the Lines. Send orders to:
  >Between the Lines, 720 Bathurst Street, Suite 404, Toronto, Ontario, M5S
  >2R4, Tel. 416-535-9914, Fax 416-535-1484. Bulk orders of twenty or more
  >copies can be ordered at discounted rates from the Windsor Occupational
  >Health Information Service (WOHIS). Please contact WOHIS for the details
  >at 547 Victoria Avenue, Windsor, Ontario, N9A 4N1, Tel 519-254-5157, Fax
  >519-254-4192, e-mail wohis@mnsi.net
  Alex J. Sagady & Associates        Email:  asagady@sojourn.com
  Environmental Consulting and Database Systems
  PO Box 39  East Lansing, MI  48826-0039  
  (517) 332-6971 (voice); (517) 332-8987 (fax)