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UAW International Union on Sen. Levin's Risk Assessment Legislation -- S981
Just received this email from Frank Mirer at the UAW
Health and Safety Department and I thought I'd share it with
the list.
This letter was distributed to the United States Senate
and concerns Sens. Carl Levin's & Fred Thompson's
proposed "reg reform" bill, S. 981
Please consider writing and calling Levin's office to oppose
this legislation.
>From: Frank Mirer <uawhs@earthlink.net>
>Subject: Risk Assessment Legislation -- S981
>Return-Path: uawhs@earthlink.net
>Attached you will find the text of the UAW letter to the Senate regarding
>the Thompson-Levin bill on regulatory "reform." This was sent from the UAW
>Washington Office.
> Franklin E. Mirer, PhD, CIH
> Director
> UAW Health and Safety Department
> 8000 East Jefferson Ave
> Detroit, MI 48214
> ph 313-926-5563
> fx 313-824-4473
>For more information about UAW check our website:
Text of UAW International Union Letter to U.S. Senate follows:
October 20, 1997
Dear Senator:
Senators Thompson (R-Tenn.) and Levin (D-Mich.) have introduced
legislation to overhaul the way the federal government establishes
job safety regulations and other important public protections. The
Regulatory Improvement Act (S. 981), rather than improving what
is now a slow and inefficient regulatory process, would establish
a series of new bureaucratic and judicial hurdles that would
make it even more difficult to issue new job safety standards and
would weaken current protections for workers exposed to hazards
at their worksite. We urge you not to cosponsor S. 981 and to
oppose the bill when the Senate begins consideration of this measure.
The UAW opposes S. 981 for the following reasons:
ÀÀ S. 981 is a one sided approach to the problems
of our public health regulatory system. The legislation dramatically
tilts toward industry claims that public health protections are
overly restrictive, but fails to respond to worker concerns that
OSHA already takes much too long to respond to new evidence
of risks or petitions for action on behalf of thousands of
workers exposed to hazards. The Thompson-Levin bill would add
years to the development and issuance of important job safety
standards by placing unnecessary and time-consuming requirements
on federal agencies. It already takes these agencies about ten
years to work through the existing cumbersome process. In the
last four years, for example, OSHA released new protections for
only two chemical substances. One of these was a standard for
methylene chloride for which the UAW originally petitioned in l986. Piling
on further analyses, reviews and tests will add unnecessary costs
without adding any value to the process.
ÀÀ The "peer review" panels established in S. 981 would
allow the participation of individuals with a direct conflict of
interest in the outcome, and who may be bound by trade secrecy
requirements which would allow decisions to be made on information
not available to workers exposed to the hazards. The concept of
allowing individuals with a direct financial interest to critique the
foundation for new safeguards, which they can later challenge in court,
is a distortion of the basic fairness that current law has long sought to
assure in the regulatory process.
ÀÀ S. 981 requires OSHA to put a proposed new protection
before a closed peer review committee, before the public could
comment on the rule and present new evidence. Currently OSHA
must present its health or safety risk assessment and economic
analysis supporting a proposed standard in public hearings. At
these hearings any interested party may comment, raise questions
and present new evidence on the record. In contrast, S. 981 would
impose multiple peer review steps which would shut down the
existing open, on the record, OSHA process.
ÀÀ S. 981 requires OSHA to establish an advisory committee,
dominated by business representatives. In contrast, under current law
OSHA advisory committees must have an equal number of employer
and worker representatives exposed to hazards. The legislation, under
an unacceptable "lookback process", authorizes the advisory committees
to undertake the crucial task of identifying existing rules for review
and potential elimination. We believe this provision is an invitation
for hostile business interests, armed with a cadre of economic consultants
and lawyers, to jeopardize decades of successful standards and
divert resources from the development of new standards.
ÀÀ S. 981 also tilts the balance of OSHA decisions away from
protection. For example, the present OSHA law prohibits cost benefit
analysis from being used as a justification for allowing higher
levels of chemical exposure or other hazards. S. 981, however, would
mandate that agencies determine that the benefits of a regulation justify
the costs or explain why the determination cannot be made. S. 981
would require OSHA to translate the various benefits of safeguards
into a dollars and cents total, putting pressures on the agency to
promulgate less protective rules. The so-called "net benefits" test
in S. 981 would require OSHA to rely on economic assumptions to
generate precise dollar estimates for the benefit of regulations,
making cost considerations, not protection of safety and health, the
primary factor in setting standards. Net benefit analysis is a dollar
for dollar balancing of the life and health of workers against costs to
The UAW also submits that S. 981 is unnecessary because last year
Congress passed legislation making significant changes in the existing
regulatory process. These laws should be given a chance to work
before imposing a series of broad new bureaucratic mandates.
For all of these reasons, the UAW urges you to oppose the
Thompson-Levin regulatory process bill (S. 981). Thank you for considering
the UAW's views on this extremely important subject.
Alan Reuther
Director of Legislation
Alex J. Sagady & Associates Email: asagady@sojourn.com
Environmental Consulting and Database Systems
PO Box 39 East Lansing, MI 48826-0039
(517) 332-6971 (voice); (517) 332-8987 (fax)