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Re: Does dioxin degrade in the environment??
Hello again, Alex (sorry about the name mixup...)
Yes, dioxin does degrade in soil, IN THE TOP 1/8"
(ONE EIGHTH INCH)!!! Ultraviolet radiation from the
sun degrades it. More than 1/8" down, it appears not
to degrade (Freeman, 1987)
or to move except during flooding or heavy
rains, when it moves with the silt or other soil to
which it is bound (Times Beach disaster,
December 5, 1982). It appears to collect at soil
"interfaces" - the places where soil types change.
It appears to have a VERY, VERY long lifespan
where it is undisturbed, perhaps hundreds or
thousands of years. As far as I can tell, nobody
knows (or if they do, they aren't speaking up).
All I have heard so far is from the CCC, which
often that dioxin degrades in sunlight (yeah, so