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Does dioxin degrade in the environment??
At 07:28 PM 7/31/97 -0400, jon@cqs.com wrote:
>Hello, folks,
>There has been some discussion here about "natural"
>dioxin formation from the burning of coal and oil.
>There is a great deal of evidence that the burning of
>does *not* produce any significant amounts of dioxin.
>The studies
>of older sediment have essentially ruled out the
>"natural" production
>of dioxin. There is essentially no dioxin in sediment
>previous to 1940 (Czuczwa, 1984, 1985, 1986).
The above assumes to some extent that chlorinated dibenzo-dioxins will
never degrade in the environment.
However, according to the articles below, that may
not be necessarily the case. This guy discusses
a half-life of dioxins in soils at Seveso of 9.5 years, although
photodegradation of chlorinated dioxins/furans would
be unlikely to be a factor for buried sediments not
exposed to light (or contained in someones fat cells)..
As near as I can tell from other articles I've read,
PCBs are more stable and less susceptible to
degradation than chlorinated dibenzo-dioxins. That is
why PCBs have been found to be recycling between
atmosphere/water interfaces in the Great Lakes.
In addition, I've heard
about research at Michigan State University that
is examining the ability of naturally occurring
white rot fungi to dechlorinate
chlorinated dibenzo-dioxins.....
On the issue of dioxin formation from the burning of
coal, it is well known that such compounds can be formed
in cement kilns that do not burn hazardous waste. In fact,
non-waste burning cement kilns are in the list of EPA's
source catagories ranking dioxin emitters as I recall.
Dioxins that form in such situations arise from the action
of hydrogen chloride produced when inorganic chlorine
in coal is burned, producing hydrogen chloride. Hydrogen
chloride in turn reacts with ordinary straight chain hydrocarbons
commonly found in limestone or shale under the influence
metallic catalysts to form chlorobenzenes and chlorinated
phenols. These reactions occur downstream from the main
combustion zone.
The chlorobenzenes and chlorophenols in turn are available to participate in
more catalyzed reactions to form chlorinated dibenzo-dioxins/
Ecotoxicol Environ Saf 1989 Oct;18(2):149-164
2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD) persistence in the Seveso
(Milan, Italy) soil.
Cerlesi S, Di Domenico A, Ratti S
Department of Nuclear and Theoretical Physics, University of Pavia, Italy.
Preliminary results of a new study on TCDD environmental
persistence at Seveso (Milan, Italy) are presented. For this study,
the most contaminated territory, Zone A, was divided into areas
to fractionate the available TCDD levels in soil into data sets
with reduced value spreads. In addition, various time subsets
were defined for each area. Selected data were fitted with the
exponential model y = y0.e-k.1. It was estimated that at least
1.2 kg TCDD was present in Zone A shortly after the accident.
On average, a considerable portion (23%) of this amount lay
on vegetation; TCDD which was not photodegraded or
volatilized before the heavy rains of fall 1976, was later washed
off and transferred to ground by water action. From this study,
mean analytical underestimations affecting January 1977 and
March 1978 contamination map data were on the order of 30 and
24%. All the above figures are considered optimistic. A few
years after the accident, mean TCDD half-life in soil appeared to
be 9.1y (t1/2-95% CLs, 6.2-17y).
Science 1977 Mar 25;195(4284):1337-1338
Environmental degradation of 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin
Crosby DG, Wong AS
Herbicide formulations containing known amounts of
2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD) and exposed to natural
sunlight on leaves, soil, or glass plates lost most or all of the
TCDD during a single day, due principally to photochemical
dechlorination. Despite the known persistence of pure TCDD,
it is not stable as a contaminant in thin herbicide films exposed to
outdoor light.
Abstracts with a considerable amount of
environmental content like these can be found on Pub Med....
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Alex J. Sagady & Associates Email: asagady@sojourn.com
Environmental Consulting and Database Systems
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