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Re: Arkansas/MS situation

  I would not be surprised if it all got buried, but I would be very
  to find it was because there was no significant contamination.
  The statistics I saw were catfish tested had much more than 1 ppt,
  and the Tyson chickens that sparked the original ban measured
  3 or 4 ppt. There's something fishy going on here (;-). See REHW 555
  at www.monitor.net/rachel
  Jon Campbell
  From: Bradford B. Newton <newtonbr@email.unc.edu>
  To: Multiple recipients of list <dioxin-l@essential.org>
  Date: Monday, July 28, 1997 7:45
  Subject: Arkansas/MS situation
  Has anyone heard any news in the last few days regarding the
  chicken/catfish/eggs that were fed the contaminated feed in Arkansas?  I
  have heard rumors ("a friend of a friend who works in lab X told me...")
  that the quarantine has been released, and that no TCDD levels above 1
  ppt were found...
  Another question: Any guess whether the FDA/USDA will start mandating
  testing for dioxin on a regular basis?  It seems like it would be a good
  idea, but the Arkansas situation got remarkably little attention outside
  of those of us who subscribe to this list, and there was a pretty severe
  backlash from farmers and elected officials.  Does anybody have any hard
  info. on this?
  Bradford B. Newton
  NC Small Business and Technology Development Center