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newsies, 20-22 june. '97

            "2 Fishermen Arrested in Selling of Striped Base."  New York
            Times, 20 June 97, A25.
                 Two fishermen were arrested for selling 686 pounds of
                 striped base caught in Jamaica Bay, according to the Queens,
                 N.Y., District Attorney. Since 1985, fishing of striped bass
                 in Jamaica Bay has been banned because of high levels of
                                   PEOPLE IN THE NEWS
            "Author Urges World to Take Pro-Active Stand Against Cancer."
            USA Today, 18 June 97, 8D.
                 In an interview, Sandra Steingraber, author of "Living
                 Downstream: An Ecologist Looks at Cancer and the
                 Environment," says a widespread effort should be made to
                 remove carcinogens from the environment. Steingraber
                 survived cancer and is both a scientist and a poet.
  <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Enviro Facts Line >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
  June 22, 1997
  FROM GREENPEACE, Greenbase Project
  <<< TOXICS >>>
    5 06/20  Deformed Frogs WASHINGTON (AP) Seen any deformed frogs lately?
  Government researchers want to hear about it. Reports of deformed frogs,
  toads and salamanders have increased sharply since 1995, and scientists want
  to find out what's going on. "We need rigorous scientific investigations
    6 Dioxin found in women 20 years after exposure  LONDON, June 20 (Reuter)
  Italian and U.S.  researchers said on Friday they had found traces of the
  toxic chemical dioxin in the bodies of women 20 years after they were
  exposed in an industrial accident.  Checks on 62 people exposed to dioxin
    8 New Scientist   June  21, 1997 HEADLINE: Mercurial storms rage in the
  Arctic BYLINE: Fred Pearce  A TOXIC rain of mercury falls on the Arctic
  every spring, a study by researchers in Canada suggests. They say chemical
  reactions similar to those that destroy  ozone  are turning mercury vapour
    2   06/22 Chlorine-free Paper BILL KACZOR PENSACOLA, Fla. (AP)  As an
  environmentalist, publisher red Garth found himself protesting against
  pollution caused by making the very type of paper used to print his scuba
  diving magazine.  "I was in kind of a hypocritical situation," he admits.