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Comments on NRC Strategic Assessment and Re-baselining

  	Public Citizen's Critical Mass Energy Project recently
  participated in the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Strategic
  Assessment and Re-baselining  Project. This project was to conduct a
  reassessment of NRC activities in order to redefine the basic nature of
  the work of the agency and the means by which that work is accomplished,
  and to apply to these redefined activities a rigorous screening process to
  produce (or rebaseline) a new set of assumptions, goals, and strategies
  for the NRC.  The results of this project are intended to provide the NRC
  with a strategic plan to allow the NRC to meet the current and future
  Critical Mass attended the two day marathon discussion of all NRC
  strategic assessment issue papers held in Washington DC.  We have also
  submitted written comments on four of NRC's strategic assessment
  direction-setting issue papers including:
  DSI 11:  Operating Reactor Program  Oversight, 
  DSI 12:  Risk-Informed, Performance-Based Regulation, 
  DSI 13:  The Role Of Industry,
  DSI 23:  Enhancing Regulatory Excellence
  The full text of NRC's strategic assessment issue papers are available on
  NRC's website at http://www.nrc.gov.  Public Citizen's comments are posted
  on our web site at http://www.citizen.org/CMEP.  
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  The Critical Mass email address is cmep@essential.org