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Lobby day on Microsoft

  Dear friends,
  NetAction is in the process of organizing a lobby day in Washington to make
  Congress aware of consumer concerns about Microsoft's anti-competitive
  business practices.  The event is scheduled for Monday, Sept. 15, and a
  small committee of volunteers is working with me on outreach and logistics.
  Jamie Love has suggested we prepare a list of the specific actions we want
  to request of Congress.  One thing we expect to ask is that members sign
  onto the letter that Senators Burns, Stevens, and Thomas recently sent to
  FTC Chairman Pitofsky, asking the FTC to step in again because of the
  Justice Department's failure to adequately enforce the consent decree.
  If any of you have other suggestions for specific actions to request of
  Congress with regard to Microsoft, I'd like to hear from you.  The planning
  committee will be discussing this over the next couple of weeks.
  Also, we hope to have other organizations as co-sponsors of the lobby day,
  so please let me know if your organization can participate, either by
  joining us on Sept. 15, or by notifying your constituents/members about the
  Thanks in advance for your help.
  Audrie Krause  <<NetAction>>  E-MAIL: akrause@igc.org
  601 Van Ness Ave., No. 631    San Francisco, CA 94102
  TELEPHONE: (415) 775-8674     FAX: (415) 673-3813
  * * *       WEB: http://www.netaction.org      * * *