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To Whom It May Concern:
The last time I posted to this list, the email was mistakenly sent to a
university in Florida, so I apologize to anyone who gets this by accident
and through no intention on my part. I am using the correct email address
for the AM list and have no control once I hit the "send" button. My ISP
confirms that it too has no control.
Ok, to list members:
this morning at http://www.abcnews.con/sections/business/
an item appears, far down on the list of news articles, regarding the 9B M$
investment in Teledesic communications satellite.
Apparently, there are 40 European nations complaining about bandwidth
monopolization by M$ and partners. This may seem unrelated to our previous
discussions, but with Win98 and an "active desktop" in the future, perhaps
it's not so off the wall.
I am the first to admit to not being technologically savvy enough to know
all the repercussions of this M$ in the sky, but it's sending out little
warning signals in my "paranoid" brain.
Claire Macdonald