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  There is something that is quite incredible in
  this reaction of AMSP clearly favoured by MS,
  and this is the fact that at least one of the
  following facts is true
  + the DOJ decision and the AM conference
    are really having a serious PR impact
    so that this people consider it a threat
    to the almost established MS monopoly.
    That would be great... that would mean
    there is still some time to fight.
  + the DOJ decision and the AM conference
    are minor annoyances, yet MS decides
    to kill even marginal dissenting opinions
    That would be terrible.... a new totalitarism
    coming around...
  In any case, what I found *shocking* is the suggestion
  to make all possible moves to build pressure on the DOJ
  and the congress on these issues. I come from a country
  where such actions are *illegal* and are generally
  resented as mafia behaviour. Would a kind soul mind
  to explain to me if this is a normal behaviour in the States?
  Let me be more clear: when I read
  > we want to speak up loudly to create as much positive PR as we
  > can both locally within each of your locations and with your congressman
  > as well as with the DOJ.  We can do this by sharing our views through the
  > appropriate influence and media channels.
  > Below are three things we are asking of each AMSP member.
  I read a request (not a suggestion) to all AMSP members to push
  on Congress (this is legal in the US, I believe) *and* on the
  DOJ some pre-printed opinions.
  That is to say, you are lobbying Justice! This is unacceptable
  for me.
  --Roberto Di Cosmo
  LIENS-DMI                   E-mail: dicosmo@dmi.ens.fr
  Ecole Normale Superieure    WWW   : http://www.ens.fr/~dicosmo
  45, Rue d'Ulm               Tel   : ++33-(0)1-44 32 20 40
  75230 Paris CEDEX 05        Fax   : ++33-(0)1-44 32 20 80
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