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FWD: Mexican Tobacco Expansion
FORWARDED MESSAGE from Ross Hammond (MARGROSS@SMTP {margross@igc.apc.org})
at 8/27/97 7:14 PM
I thought people might be interested to know that today Philip Morris named
Carlos Slim to its board of directors. Slim is one of the richest, if not
THE richest men, in Mexico. His wealth was increased last month when
SA, part of his conglomerate Grupo Carso, received $400 million from Philip
Morris in exchange for PM raising its stake in the company from 29 to 50
percent. In the deal, Slim also retained the right to distribute the
Marlboro brand until at least the year 2020.
This comes against the background of fierce competition in Mexico between
Philip Morris and British American Tobacco (BAT). Three weeks after the PM
acquisition, BAT announced it would pay US$1.7 billion for Alfonso Romo's
Cigarera La Moderna.
''It's a market that everybody wants to get into -- the country's in
economic recovery and the forecast of growth in the Mexican tobacco market
is very good for the next 10 years,'' according to Tim Young of SGST
Securities in Mexico City.
Previously, foreign tobacco companies in Mexico faced numerous government
restrictions governing foreign investment. Under pressure from the
international financial institutions and commercial creditors, the
government liberalized its economy, culminating in the signing of the North
American Free Trade Agreement in 1993. Analysts predict that the companies
may use their newly acquired acquistions in Mexico to increase sales within
Mexico as well as to use it as an export platform to other countries in
Latin America as well as Asia.
Sources: "Mexico's two richest men cut back on cigarettes", Reuters August
4, 1997; Market Acquisitions, Bloomberg News, July 23, 1997;
Ross Hammond
88 Norwich Street
San Francisco, CA 94110
tel/fax: 1-415-695-7492 (office)
internet: margross@igc.apc.org
***** NOTES from MDOLAN (MDOLAN @ CITIZEN) at 8/28/97 8:40 AM
Ross used to work at Public Citizen.
Thanks, Ross.