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U.S. Fisheries Legislation
Distributed to TAP-RESOURCES, a free Internet Distribution List
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May 1, 1996
The following letter has been sent to the Senate regarding an
impending vote on S. 39, the reauthorization of the Magnuson Act. Many of
the larger multinational corporations involved in the fishing industry
would like to impose a quasi-property rights system of management to give
these large corporations greater control over publicly-owned fisheries.
Senator Gorton with the support of Senator Murray, both from Washington
state, has threatened to filibuster S. 39 which could be the best
environmental bill to pass this Congress. If you would like more
information on Individual Transferable Quotas (described in the letter)
check out:
Or send me an email and I can forward the information.
*** WEB SITES ***
Anyone interested in seeing how the web can be used to advance
environmental issues should take a look at the Deformed Frog web site:
A sixth grade class takes a field trip. The kids start catching frogs in a
pond, but half of the frogs they catch are severely deformed. To find out
why, they set up a web page. This is probably the best environmental use
of the web I have found. Who says kids are just looking at pornography on
the web.
Ned Daly
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P.O. Box 19367, Washington, DC 20036; voice 202/387-8030;
internet: tap@essential.org
Support America's Fisheries
Don't Let S. 39 Be Filibustered
Dear Senator,
Congress has responded to the crisis facing our
nation's fisheries with overwhelming support for the
reauthorization of the Magnuson Act, the principle law
governing fisheries management in this country. Though not
perfect, S. 39 will improve the health of our nation's
fisheries and protect taxpayers' interests. Despite the
bill's bipartisan, geographically diverse support, a small
group of parochial interests may attempt to monkeywrench the
restoration of our fisheries in an effort to gain greater
control over this publicly owned asset.
The House Resources Committee and the Senate Commerce
Committee correctly placed a four and one-half year
moratorium on new Individual Transferable Quota (ITQ)
schemes for fisheries management in the United States. ITQ
management schemes divide up a predetermined Total Allowable
Catch (TAC) and give companies a percentage of the TAC,
usually based on historical catch levels. The use of ITQs
in other countries, such as New Zealand, has created
problems including increased levels of bycatch. A main
objective of S. 39 is to reduce bycatch levels [those fish
caught, but thrown back, often dead, because they are not
commercially viable]. Also the extent to which this quota
is a property right and may interfere with the public's
ownership over this asset has not been resolved. Four and
one-half years is the minimum amount of time needed to
determine the adequacy of more ITQ programs in the U.S.
Despite ITQ's present shortcomings, Senators Slade
Gorton and Patty Murray would like to see more ITQs in place
to benefit the Seattle-based factory-trawler fleet. Senator
Gorton has threatened to filibuster the bill.
An ITQ management scheme will be revisited in Congress,
especially with such staunch allies as Senators Gorton and
Murray, but now is not the time to address this issue. S. 39
will have a positive effect on the management of America's
fisheries. A public resource vital to the health of
America's economy and its citizens is at stake. Please do
not allow a filibuster of S. 39 to succeed. If you would
like more information on ITQs or S. 39, please contact
the Taxpayer Assets Project.
Edward Daly
Taxpayer Assets Project
v. (202) 387-8030
email: ned@tap.org
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