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Sally Katzen and US Supreme Court Decisions in Air Force Database
INFO-POLICY-NOTES / available from listproc@tap.org
July 26, 1996
Re: FLITE - Supreme Court Decisions
Summary: For nearly eight months, Sally Katzen has refused to set
a meeting on public access to 60 years of U.S. Supreme
Court Decisions in the possession of the U.S. Air Force.
In December 1995, we asked Sally Katzen to meet with us to discuss the Air
Force's refusal to release 60 years of U.S. Supreme Court decisions that
are used by the Air Force online "FLITE" program, which was the nation's
first computer assisted legal research tool. (It began operation in 1963).
Sally Katzen is the Administrator of OMB's Office of Information and
Regulatory Affairs (OIRA), and the Clinton Administration's chief policy
maker for FOIA, privacy, and government information issues. The Air Force
has refused to release these records under FOIA under a highly dubious
assertion that "library materials" are not subject to FOIA. Our critique
of the Air Force FOIA defense is found in a December 21, 1995 letter to
Katzen and Air Force Secretary Sheila Widnall, at:
Two members of Congress, Major Owens (D-NY) and Bernie Sanders (I-VT),
have asked the Air Force to release these records.
We have called sent written materials to Ms. Katzen's office repeatedly
since last December, and have been stonewalled at every turn. Today we
were told that Ms. Katzen is leaving for vacation, and will not even
discuss a date for a meeting until she returns. At this rate, it is
unlikely that the Clinton Administration will release these public
taxpayer funded records to the public before the November 1996 election.
Earlier this week, the House of Representatives rejected an effort by West
Publishing and the Information Industry Association (IIA) to re-write the
FOIA laws to exempt all "reference" or "library" materials. But, the
Clinton Administration still refuses every attempt on our part to even
meet with top FOIA officials over this important issue.
We have made it CRYSTAL CLEAR that we are very unhappy about Ms. Katzen's
failure to grant a meeting with on this important issue. The only groups
which benefit from the government's failure to release copies of U.S.
Supreme Court Opinions are West Publishing and LEXIS, two foreign owned
publishing giants.
For more information, Ms Katzen's office can be reached at 202-395-4852,
or by fax at 202-395-3047.
jamie love (love@tap.org , 202/387-8030)
James Love / love@tap.org / P.O. Box 19367, Washington, DC 20036
Voice: 202/387-8030; Fax 202/234-5176
Center for Study of Responsive Law
Consumer Project on Technology; http://www.essential.org/cpt
Taxpayer Assets Project; http://www.tap.org