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WEST/THOMSON - Market Share Survey for Law-Lib

  As you know, we are trying to piece together some information for
  our meeting with DOJ on Monday.  There are many ways to do market
  analysis.  We do not have access to the best market share data. 
  (Anyone working for Goldman Sachs want to send us the prospectus
  for West?).  However, we believe that an analysis of purchasing
  patterns at law libraries would be very helpful.  We would
  appreciate receiving summary information such as the following:
  Total acquistion payments in 1995 for all books/cd-roms.
  -    Annual payments to West.
  -    Annual payments to all Thomson subsidiaries.
  -    Annual payments to Lexis/Michie
  -    Expenditures on all others.
  This could be provided on a percentage or a dollar basis.
  If possible, it would be nice if the data was broken down into a
  case law reporters vs. secondary sources/digests/annotations for
  the paper or CD-ROM products.
  We would like some information available by our scheduled meeting
  with DOJ on Monday.
  Thomson subsidiaries include (but are not limited to) the
  following companies:
  Clark Boardman Callaghan
  Warren Gorham Lamont
  Bancroft Whitney
  Please identify whether you are an academic law library, public
  law library, or 
  law firm library (include number of lawyers in firm).
  We will keep all individual results confidential, but will post
  the summary data (if any) to law-lib.
  James Love, love@tap.org
  P.O. Box 19367, Washington, DC 20036; v. 202/387-8030; f. 202/234-5176
  Consumer Project on Technology; http://www.essential.org/cpt/cpt.html
  Taxpayer Assets Project; http://www.essential.org/tap/tap.html