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Shell Protest In NH

  Hello All,
  	Although I've been a member of this list for a while this is my
  first message.  So here goes.  Members of the Student Environmental Action
  Coalition (SEAC) at the University of New Hampshire organized and held a
  protest at Shell Gasoline in Hampton, NH.  It was great.  We had about 20
  people and were there for an hour and a half.  We got some really good
  press from 3 local newspapers and almost stopped traffic at a busy
  intersection for the time we were there.  There was a minor altercation
  with the police but nothing big.  The owner was called and I spoke with
  him to try and clue him in to what was going on - these people were
  totally ignorant to the situation.  Besides SEAC members Stephen Mills and
  David Ellenberger, both from the Sierra Club, attended the protest.
  Thanks guys for your help.  So, all in all it was a very positive action
  and I hope you all can share the pride we have in our accomplishments.  We
  have a long way to righting the wrongs of the Nigerian government but it
  is important to step back and revel in our accomplishments every once in a
  while.  I hope this letter finds everyone doing well.  Thanks.