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RE: genetic testing and insurance

  reposted for Lauren Dame
  ---------- Forwarded message ----------
  From: Lauren Dame <ldame@citizen.org>
  >On Fri, 11 Oct 1996, Andy Oram wrote:
  >[Insurance companies and genetic testing]
  >Not really a response, but the post reminded me:  some time ago, someone
  >posted a bit on one of the lists to which I subscribe--this one seems
  >the most logical--alleging that results of genetic testing have _already
  >been used_ to deny insurance coverage.  The rationale:  the test
  >revealed a pre-existing condition.
  >Does anyone have any details on this?  Perhaps a reliable citation?  Or
  >am I merely repeating another Internet rumor?
  >I don't know whether I'm hoping for truth or falsehood here.  Of course,
  >it's only a matter of time....
  >+  Dave Williams   +
  >+  dnw@eskimo.com  +
  ***** NOTES from Lauren Dame (LDAME @ CITIZEN) at 10/16/96 9:30a
  According to an article in Ob. Gyn. News, August 15, 1996, Lisa Geller, 
  PhD, of Harvard Medical School and her associates documented 206 cases of 
  genetic-related insurance discrimination.  (See Science and Engineering 
  Ethics 2:71-88, 1996).  I have not read the actual study, but it sounds 
  like it might provide the information you seek.