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Health Portability Bill

  I am not following the progress of this bill in conference, but I saw
  Jamie's message about the privacy part.  My sources tell me that he got it
  wrong.  The limited privacy language in the bill is either being dumped or
  narrowed to a limited requirement that the Secretary propose some
  legislation later on.  There isn't anything much in the bills to begin
  I don't understand how a federal bill with no privacy language can preempt
  state law.  What is state law being preempted with?
  Anyhow, if Jamie has some more information, it would be welcome.  Before
  tilting at windmills, you might at least be certain that there is a
  windmill there.
  + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
  +   Robert Gellman          rgellman@cais.com   +
  +   Privacy and Information Policy Consultant   +
  +   431 Fifth Street S.E.                       +    
  +   Washington, DC 20003                        + 
  +   202-543-7923 (phone)   202-547-8287 (fax)   +
  + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +