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  I am reading a book, which succinctly covers EXACTLY what the major problem
  for anyone who 'presents' a physical and/or emotional injury to any physician
  especially therapists, and goes on to file a government, Gulf War Syndrome,
  auto, disability, or administrative claim for injury, and what they are up
  against, when they do so..
  I highly recommend THE NEW INFORMANTS, (The Betrayal of Confidentiality in
  Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy), BY Christopher Boolas (British
  Psycho-analytical Society) and David Sundelson (appellate lawyer), about THE
  WORLD WIDE USE of mental health records AGAINST present or former
  patients....to any patient who has to file any type of disabilty or other
  claim, and how your medical (and especially present or previous) mental
  health records will be used.
  Bollas and Sundleson found this IS a world-wide phenomenon. We apparently
  invented it here in the good ole USA and shipped it overseas. THIS BOOK is
  incredible. I recommend anyone with an interest in patient rights or abuses
  of power and/or manged care, read this book.
  Prior to filing any claim, and releasing ANY and ALL records for any purpose,
  patients, especially those with pain, physical or emotional, needs to know
  the rules of the game, and how the process works, before they go thru the
  grinder..for additional information I recommend any injured party contact CPR
  (The Coalition for Patient Rights - (617) 433-0114 ) Boston, MA, or The
  National Coalition of Mental Health Professionals and Consumers (516)
  424-5232, Commack, NY for details.
  Alex g
  Forwarded message:
  Date:    96-05-30 19:03:52 EDT
  From:    METRA1001
  To:      tanante@nwlink.com
  CC:      mercury7@loop.com
  Information on the way. Also, I am reading a book, which succinctly covers
  EXACTLY what my point is, and what I have uncovered, AND THEN SOME...
  I highly recommend THE NEW INFORMANTS, (The Betrayal of Confidentiality in
  Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy), BY Christopher Boolas (British
  Psycho-analytical Society) and David Sundelson (appellate lawyer), about THE
  WORLD WIDE USE of mental health records AGAINST present or former
  They found this was a world-wide phenomenon. We apparently invented it here
  in the good ole USA and shipped it overseas. THIS BOOK is incredible. I
  recommend anyone with an interest in patient rights or abuses of power and/or
  manged care, read this book.
  Alex g