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Re: Pac Bell Internet pricing for ISDN
Richard Kashdan wrote:
> I wish I had looked this up and included it in the last message instead of
> bothering you guys with a third message. The Pac Bell press release
> doesn't mention the monthly price for their new ISDN internet service. It
> is $49.95 per month for unlimited access on 1 or 2 B channels. See:
> http://public.pacbell.net/ISDN/hppricing.htm
Bellsouth.net is offering unlimited 64k service for the same price as
v.34 access ($19.95) a month. They are looking into pricing for 128k
Paul B. Billings, Jr. Glankler Brown, PLLC voice 901.576.1795
1700 One Commerce Square Attorneys at Law faxA 901.576.1772
Memphis, Tennessee 38103 mailto:pbb@pobox.com faxB 901.525.2389