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chicago cumulative risk initiative

  fyi, as some already know, epa has, in denying a tsca sec. 21 for a tsca
  sec. 6 rule petition  by the chicago legal clinic & 11 community groups to
  control cumulative emissions effects from  8 operating/proposed
  incinerators in the area, nevertheless decided to start a new project, the
  CCRI (chicago cumulative risk initiative).  it is to occur in 4 consecutive
  phases, the substantive ones being a cumulative env. loading profile (phase
  1), and applying a limited (as to # sources considered)  cumulative risk
  analysis (phase 3) (other 2 are procedural/outreach).  read about this in
  the latest, months out of date, tsca n-ltr.  i imagine there is more info
  on epa's web page, try a serach for 'ccri'
  tony tweedale