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RE: Where to get hazardous waste code information
If you don't want to read through the entire 40CFR to get this
information, I have come across a good book that is written for ease of
How to Recognize a Hazardous Waste (even if it's wearing dark glasses)
Gary Crouth
Copyright 1991
Digby Books Ltd.
P.O. Box 2282
Pittsburgh, PA 15230
Don't know the cost, but it is a paperback and I don't think it was too
Dennis Catalano
From: asagady@sojourn.com
To: Multiple recipients of list
Subject: Where to get hazardous waste code information
Date: Saturday, August 23, 1997 12:17PM
At 02:26 PM 8/23/97 -0400, cwac@execpc.com wrote:
>Though "everyone" if the environmental management
>field knows the "F-listed solvents" by
>number --- how can ignorant citizen activists
>find out what they are?
Now you should never let anyone from Weyerhauser
make you feel ignorant..... That Weyerhauser guy
was just "showing off" without sharing....
..this is a common problem from industrial
environmental management personnel...particularly
in the paper industry... when dealing with citizen
environmental activists.
>Is there a free Internet page somewhere that
>provides this information?
>Rebecca Leighton Katers
>Clean Water Action Council of N.E. Wisconsin
Hazardous waste codes can be found in the
Code of Federal Regulations (CFRs) at
40 CFR parts 261.20 through 261.24 and
261.30 through 261.35; and appendixes
I through IX
You can get these by going to a law library that
contains the current year's Code of Federal
You can buy a paper copy from Government Institutes, Inc.
(301) 921-2355
You can go to:
and do a search for the regs here, although
I'm not sure whether they will have all of the
appendixes, which you do need to deal with
this stuff. Look for the largest PDF file for
the general 261 section.
You can also go to a university library that
is a federal depository and they'll probably
have CFRs.
Finally, your state hazardous waste management
regulations will probably contain summary lists
of all of the hazardous waste codes.
Wastes from the pulping and bleaching processes
at bleached kraft pulp mills will generally
not test as hazardous under EPA's waste rules.
They do have to be
disposed in a lined landfill here in Michigan,
although Champion International is apparently
getting out of this by getting area farmers to
take pulp mill sludge under a so-called "beneficial
re-use" provision. This practice is apparently
being heavily promoted by the USDA soil
conservation service around the Champion
Plant at Quinnesec, MI according to local
activists around that plant.
Alex J. Sagady & Associates Email: asagady@sojourn.com
Environmental Consulting and Database Systems
PO Box 39 East Lansing, MI 48826-0039
(517) 332-6971 (voice); (517) 332-8987 (fax)