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Re: Bag house?

  Rebecca wrote:
  >Super-fine particles, like those EPA proposes to 
  >regulate now, often pass through the baghouse --- 
  >which means that the most dangerous particles are 
  >not being collected.
  ...and they sometimes burst, or catch fire, dumping a large part of their 
  contents into the neighbouring environment.  Also in some UK MSW 
  incinerators the old bags are burned on site even though they are 
  hazardous (special) wastes. 
         _\\|//_                Alan Watson C.Eng                  
        (' O^O ')               Oakleigh                      
   ==|=ooO=(_)=Ooo=|==          Wernffrwd                            
     !             !            Gower                                 
     !   PUBLIC    !            Swansea   SA4 3TY                 
     !  INTEREST   !            UK                                    
     ! CONSULTANTS !            Tel: 01792 851599                   
     !             !            Fax: 01792 850056                     
     !             !   Check out:                           
     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^   http://www.gn.apc.org/pmhp/            
                       For UK issues and information                