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Re: National Environmental Health Association

  The extent to which the chemical industry PR
  sound technical arguments with political ones is
  astonishes even me.
  Let's have some fun:
  "Noting that organochlorine production and incineration
   are the largest
  sources of endocrine-disrupting chlorinated dioxins,
  furan, and biphenyls,
  and noting that there are simpler, safer substitutes
  for the vast majority
  of organochlorine products,
  and noting that the production of elemental chlorine
  using mercury electrodes
  has been a large contributor to worldwide mercury
  and noting that use of PVC products for medical use
  may place patients
  at considerable risk due to leaching of cancer-causing
   chloride monomer or dioxin contaminants directly into
  human body
  and noting that political, rather than truly
  scientific endeavor have
  minimized the overwhelming body of evidence that
  are hazardous to health and the environment
  and noting that the chlorination of drinking water
  poses extreme
  risks to the general population as a result of the
  formation of
  trichloromethanes, and that
  many public drinking supplies are contaminated with
  chemicals as a result of chlorination, and may be
  with dioxins and furans as well
  and noting that public relations firms have more
  influence on
  public policy than truthful information
  and noting that there are some scientists who are
  willing to
  minimize the dangers of organochlorines because they
  been fooled by the public relations firms
  therefore, we, as dioxin activists, hereby declare
  that we will
  commit ourselves to worldwide ban of organochlorine
  used in medicine, and will work for the halting all
  forms of
  incineration nationwide.
  Jon Campbell
     From: Steve Frankel <stevefra@uiuc.edu>
  To: Multiple recipients of list <dioxin-l@essential.org
  Date: Thursday, July 31, 1997 3:51 PM
  Subject: National Environmental Health Association
  >"Dioxin, Health Care Facilities, and the Use of PVC
  -- a
  >Chlorine-based Product
  >The National Environmental Health Association,
  > Acknowledging, as did the U.S. Environmental
  >Protection Agency, that medical waste incinerators
  >(MWIs) emit significantly less dioxin than previously
  >estimated, (from an initial assessment of 5100 grams
  >year to 150 grams per year). In addition, a 99%
  >reduction in dioxin emissions from both new and
  >MWIs is anticipated from the implementation of EPA's
  >proposed MWI rule,[1] and
  > Acknowledging, as did the American Society of
  >Mechanical Engineers, that "there is no correlation
  >between the amount or type of chlorine in the waste
  >constituents of combustion facilities and dioxin
  >concentrations measured at the stack ..." [2] and
  > Recognizing, as did the American College of
  >Occupational and Environmental Medicine and the
  >College of Preventive Medicine, the important role
  >chorine chemistry plays in our society, particularly
  >the prevention of disease through disinfection of
  >drinking water, the formulation of disinfectants,
  >refrigerants used in food preservation, [4]  and
  > Noting that PVC, in particular, has been recognized
  >and accepted by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration
  >and international ministries of health as a component
  >medical devices and their packages. In fact, about
  >quarter of medical devices are composed of PVC, which
  >widely used in manufacturing blood bags, intravenous
  >fluid bags, oxygen tents, catheters, and component
  >of many diagnostic instruments, [5] and
  > Noting the significant role that chlorine chemistry
  >plays in the formulation of a wide variety of
  >pharmaceuticals including vitamins and medicines to
  >treat diseases, and
  > Noting the public health and environmental concerns
  >that have been raised regarding exposure to toxic
  >substances, including some chlorinated organic
  >chemicals, and
  > Recognizing the important role that PVC plays in
  >medical settings, and
  > Noting that prevention is one of the basic tenets
  >of public health,
  >Be it resolved that the National Environmental
  >(1) Supports the continued responsible use of PVC
  >(2) Supports a scientifically based risk assessment
  >process to evaluate the potential risks associated
  >the use or disposal of PVC products
  >Submitted by:
  >Chris J. Wiant, Ph.D.
  >Tri-County Health Department
  >Englewood, Colorado
  >[1] US Environmental Protection Agency. Proposed
  >Standards of Performance for New Stationary Sources
  >Emissions Guidelines for Existing Sources: Medical
  >Incinerators. 40 CFR Part 60 31736. Vol. 61, No.
  >Thursday, June 20, 1996.
  >[2] Rigo, G; Chandler, A; Lanier W. An ASME Research
  >Report: The Relationship Between Chlorine in Waste
  >Streams and Dioxins from Waste Combustor Stacks. The
  >American Society of Mechanical Engineers. CRTD-
  >[3] Karol. M. Commentary: Toxicologic Principles Do
  >Support the Banning of Chlorine. Fundamental and
  >Toxicology. No. 24 p.1-2. 1995.
  >[4] American College of Occupational and Environmental
  >Medicine. Position Paper. Adopted by Board of
  >on January 20, 1994.
  >[5] Cascadia Consulting Group. "Hospital Plastic
  >Characterization and Recycling Feasibility Study."
  >Report Prepared for the American Plastics Council.
  1994. "