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REHW #555 - an opening

  Hi, folks,
  The information in REHW #555 (FDA ban on dioxin-contaminated
   provides a unique opening for all dioxin activists. If we do
  not act to take advantage
   of the opening, we possibly lose a
  once-in-this-decade opportunity.
  For those who haven't read their copy yet, REHW reports that the
  FDA, upon
   finding much-higher-than-average dioxin levels in some
  chickens, has found
   that chickens fed with soybean from a
  particular grain mill had 3-4 ppt dioxin.
   The grain mill had added
  bentonite clay (finely ground kitty litter) to the feed
  to make it "flow" better (raises questions about what these
  chickens face
   before being slaughtered...), and the clay mine was
  somehow contaminated
   with dioxin (unknown origin, perhaps
  toxic disposal, perhaps a dioxin-polluting
   industry nearby).
  Anyhow, a large number of chicken farms are affected, about 350.
  (but not specified) some of the contractors or farms
  owned by the multinationals
   (Tyson, etc. Tyson chickens are the
  ones that showed the first signs of
   elevated dioxin).
  We have an opportunity to say, very simply:
  1. The FDA is right in banning shipments of these chickens.
  Dioxin is the most toxic organic substance known, etc,
  is associated with horrific diseases and afflictions, etc.
  in essence, the normal stuff we have in a "What is dioxin"
  flyer. (For example, see http://www.cqs.com/dioxin.htm).
  2. The FDA's ban does not go far enough. According to
  REHW #555, catfish measured at 10-30 ppt (!), beef is
  typically >1 ppt, and many other meats and dairy products
  are severely contaminated.
  3. The entire upper end of the food chain is contaminated,
  as are people's bodies (incl mother's milk). Meat, fish, and full-fat
  dairy products should be very limited in the diet.
  4. We need to cut dioxin production and exposure now. Stop
  incineration, phase out PVC and organochlorine chemicals
  and pesticides.
  In other words, we have the opportunity to finally make dioxin
  a national issue. The chemical companies and the meat, dairy,
  and fish industries are probably going to go to great lengths
  to spin-control this action by the FDA, and may even attempt
  to debunk the FDA's and EPA's relatively lame activities
  regarding dioxin regulation to date.
  Let's make the most of it while the door is open.
  Thanks for your time
  Jon Campbell