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IJC Health Professionals Task Force

  >>From bin  Wed Jul  9 23:48:19 1997
  >Date: Wed, 9 Jul 1997 22:31:01 -0400 (EDT)
  >From: "Gary Greenberg, MD" <green011@acpub.duke.edu>
  >To: OccEnvMed <occ-env-med-l@list.mc.duke.edu>
  >Subject: OEM: New link from Duke Site
  >Sender: owner-occ-env-med-l@list.mc.duke.edu
  >The International Joint Commission (US & Canada) Health Professionals 
  >Task Force has a web-site, with acrobat versions of its publications.
  >"The purpose of the International Joint Commission is to prevent and 
  >resolve disputes over use of waters shared by Canada and the United 
  >States and to provide advice on matters affecting the shared environment 
  >when requested by the two federal governments. It was established as an 
  >independent international organization under the Boundary Waters Treaty 
  >of 1909. "
  >You can reach it directly from http://www.ijc.org/boards/health.html
  >or link to it through the Duke list of OEM-pertinent links at 
  >Here's the list of topics presently available in their downloadable material:
  >Following is a list of Health Effects Review newsletters:
  > Environmental Radionuclides - Volume 2 Issue 1
  >    Introduction
  >    Exposure studies
  >    Low-level exposure studies
  >    High-level exposures
  >    Risk assessment
  > Microbiological Water Pollution - Volume 1 Issue 7
  >    Introduction
  >    Infectious diseases in Great Lakes region
  >    Environmental exposure surveys
  >    Other issues - Antibiotic resistance, Global climate change
  > Environmental Lead - Volume 1 Issue 6
  >    Introduction
  >    Lead in the Great Lakes region
  >    Health effects
  >    Need for continued reduction in lead exposure
  > Asthma and Air Pollution - Volume 1 Issue 5
  >    Introduction
  >    Criteria pollutants
  >    Airborne allergens
  >    Toxic air pollutants
  >    Indoor environmental factors
  >    Interactive effects
  > Methyl Mercury - Volume 1 Issue 4
  >    Introduction and Risk Assessment
  > Cohort Studies
  >    Canadian Cree Indian Cohort Study
  >    Faroe Islands Study
  >    New Zealand Study
  >    Seychelles Child development Study
  >    Exposure studies
  > Changes in Sperm Count and Function - Volume 1 Issue 3
  >    Estrogenic Effects of Environmental Chemicals
  >    Estrogenic behavior of some environmental chemicals
  >    Estrogenic behavior in Phytoestrogens
  >    Protein binding of chemicals and their behavioral effects
  >    Inhibition of testicular growth in fish exposed to Xenoestrogens
  >    Xenoestrogens exposure and reduced testicular size and 
  >       sperm production in rats
  > Developmental and Reproductive Effects of PCBs 
  >    and other Organochlorine Compounds - Volume 1 Issue   2
  >    Developmental effects in PCB/PCDF-exposed Yu-Cheng children
  >    Neurological effects of perinatal exposure 
  >      to PCBs, PCDDs and PCDFs
  >    Decreased birthweight associated with fish consumption
  >    No association found between DDE or PCBs and preterm birth
  >    DDE exposure associated with shortened lactation duration
  >Human Health Effects and Exposure - Volume 1 Issue 1
  >    Preliminary results form Oswego Cohort
  >    Consumption of PCB-contaminated fish and spontaneous fetal death
  >    Fish consumption and health risks in Swedish fishermen
  >    Mercury exposure to fish-eaters
  >    Pulp mill effluent mutagenicity
  >    Environmental degradation and human exposure to Halo- Organics
  >    PCB biodegradation
  >    Human body burdens of Dioxin-like chemicals and 
  >      risk of health effects
  >Gary N. Greenberg, MD MPH     Duke Occupational & Environmental Medicine 
  >gary.greenberg@duke.edu         Sysop / Moderator Occ-Env-Med-L MailList
  >Duke's Occ-Env-Med WWW site           http://occ-env-med.mc.duke.edu/oem
  Alex J. Sagady & Associates        Email:  asagady@sojourn.com
  Environmental Consulting and Database Systems
  PO Box 39  East Lansing, MI  48826-0039  
  (517) 332-6971 (voice); (517) 332-8987 (fax)