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97 Energy & Water Appropriations Conference Finale
* * * * For Your Information * * * *
The FY 1997 Energy and Water Appropriations Conference report has
passed both houses and was sent to the President, who is expected
to sign it soon. The bill contains funding in the areas of
renewables, nuclear fission, nuclear fusion, environmental
cleanup, nuclear waste, and other areas. The conference
agreements include reprogramming language that limits DOE control
of its spending beyond what is specifically authorized in the
report. Congress seems to be unhappy with DOE efforts to keep
programs alive that have been previously zeroed out.
Amongst the highlights are the final year of funding for both the
Advanced Light Water Reactor (ALWR) program and TFTR fusion
program, results of the Schaefer/Klug renewables amendment, and
the conferees' spitefulness towards Nevada's efforts in blocking
the 1996 Nuclear Waste Policy Act. The ALWR program received $38
million, despite House funding set at $17 million and Senate
funding set at $22 million plus $18 million for termination. The
report language stipulates that this is the final year of federal
funding for the ALWR program. The TFTR is also scheduled for
shutdown and will received no more funds for operation. The
Schaefer/Klug amendment on the House floor for renewables added
additional funding, but still left an overall reduction from FY
1996 levels. And finally, the conferees blocked any funding to
the State of Nevada to be used for oversight at Yucca Mountain.
In the 1982 Nuclear Waste Policy Act, the DOE was to give money
to aid any state where a repository might be placed to allow for
On the lighter side of things, we are now safer due to the
conferees agreement that security guards should carry side arms
at the gaseous diffusion uranium enrichment plants. Critical
Mass Energy Project sure does feel better now.
FY 1997 Energy and Water Conference (in Millions)
FY 1996 Requested Conference
Solar and Renewable Energy Programs
$288.419 $363.245 $269.952
Advanced Light Water Reactor Program
$40 $40 $38
Pyroproccessing (Nuclear Technology R&D)
$25 $30 $20
Fusion Energy
$227.394 $255.600 $232.500
Environmental Restoration (Non-defense)
$261.377 $358.239 $325
Waste Management (Non-defense)
$173.514 $199.023 $184.218
For more information contact Auke Piersma at Public Citizen (202)
546-4996 or apiersma@citizen.org
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